Type \((a,b,c)\) face-magic labelings of prism graphs

Andrew Bowling1, Bryan Freyberg2
1Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota Duluth, MN 55812 USA
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Minnesota Duluth, MN 55812 USA


Let \(G=(V,E,F)\) be a planar graph with vertex set \(V\), edge set \(E\), and set of faces \(F.\) For nonnegative integers \(a,b,\) and \(c\), a type \((a,b,c)\) face-magic labeling of \(G\) is an assignment of \(a\) labels to each vertex, \(b\) labels to each edge, and \(c\) labels to each face from the set of integer labels \(\{1,2,\dots a|V|+b|E|+c|F|\}\) such that each label is used exactly once, and for each \(s\)-sided face \(f \in F,\) the sum of the label of \(f\) with the labels of the vertices and edges incident with \(f\) is equal to some fixed constant \(\mu_s\) for every \(s.\) We find necessary and sufficient conditions for every quadruple \((a,b,c,n)\) such that the \(n\)-prism graph \(Y_n \cong K_2 \square C_n\) admits a face-magic labeling of type \((a,b,c)\).

Keywords: graph labeling, type \((a,b,c)\) face-magic, prism graph