Constructions of Resolvable Mendelsohn Designs

Zhang Xuebin1
1 Teaching and Research Section of Mathematics Nanjing Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute Nanjing, 210009 People’s Republic of China


In this paper, we shall establish some construction methods for resolvable Mendelsohn designs, including constructions of the product type. As an application,we show that the necessary condition for the existence of a \((v, 4, \lambda)\)-RPMD, namely,
\(v \equiv 0\) or \(1\) (mod 4), is also sufficient for \(\lambda > 1\) with the exception of pairs \((v,\lambda)\)
where \(v = 4\) and \(\lambda\) odd. We also obtain a (v, 4, 1)-RPMD for \(v = 57\) and \(93\).