Distances in Iterated Line Graphs

L’. Niepel1, M. Knor2, L’. Soltés3
1Department of Applied Mathemetics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Comenius University 842 15, Bratislava Slovakia
2Department of Mathematics Faculty of Civil Engineering Slovak Technical Univeristy Radlinského 11 813 68, Bratislava Slovakia
3 Department of Mathematics Faculty of Chemical Technology Slovak Technical University Radlinského 9 812 37, Bratislava Slovakia


For a connected graph \(G\) that is not a cycle, a path or a claw, let its \(k\)-iterated line graph have the diameter \(diam_k\), and the radius \(r_k\). Then \(diam_{k+1} = diam_k + 1\) for sufficiently large \(k\). Moreover, \(\{r_k\}\) also tends to infinity and the sequence \(\{diam_k – r_k – \sqrt{2\log_2 k}\}\) is bounded.