Distance Irredundance in Graphs: Complexity Issues

Johannes H.Hattingh1, Michael A.Henning2, Jacobus. L.Walters3
1 Department of Mathematics Rand Afrikaans University P. O. Box 524 Auckland Park 2006 South Africa
2Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics University of Natal P. O. Box 375 Pietermaritzburg 3200 South Africa.
3Department of Mathematics Rand Afrikaans University P. QO. Box 524 Auckland Park 2006 South Africa


Let \(n \geq 1\) be an integer. The closed \(n\)-neighborhood \(N_n[u]\) of a vertex \(u\) in a graph \(G = (V, E)\) is the set of vertices \(\{v | d(u,v) \leq n\}\). The closed \(n\)-neighborhood of a set \(X\) of vertices, denoted by \(N_n[X]\), is the union of the closed \(n\)-neighborhoods \(N_n[v]\) of vertices \(u \in X\). For \(X \subseteq V(G)\), if \(N_n[x] – N_n[X – \{u\}] = \emptyset\), then \(u\) is said to be \(n\)-redundant in \(X\). A set \(X\) containing no \(n\)-redundant vertex is called \(n\)-irredundant. The \(n\)-irredundance number of \(G\), denoted by \(ir_n(G)\), is the minimum cardinality taken over all maximal \(n\)-irredundant sets of vertices of \(G\). The upper \(n\)-irredundance number of \(G\), denoted by \(IR_n(G)\), is the maximum cardinality taken over all maximal \(n\)-irredundant sets of vertices of \(G\). In this paper we show that the decision problem corresponding to the computation of \(ir_n(G)\) for bipartite graphs \(G\) is NP-complete. We then prove that this also holds for augmented split graphs. These results extend those of Hedetniemi, Laskar, and Pfaff (see [7]) and Laskar and Pfaff (see [8]) for the case \(n = 1\). Lastly, applying the general method described by Bern, Lawler, and Wong (see [1]), we present linear algorithms to compute the \(2\)-irredundance and upper \(2\)-irredundance numbers for trees.