On Interval Colourings of Bi-Regular Bipartite Graphs

D. Hanson1, C.O.M. Loten 1, B. Toft2
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan Canada, S4S 0A2
2 Institut for Matematik og Datalogi Odense Universitet DK-5230, Odense M, Denmark


In this paper we consider interval colourings — edge colourings of bipartite graphs in which the colours represented at each vertex form an interval of integers. These colourings, corresponding to certain types of timetables, are not always possible. In the present paper it is shown that if a bipartite graph with bipartition \((X,Y)\) has all vertices of \(X\) of the same degree \(d_X = 2\) and all vertices of \(Y\) of the same degree \(d_y\), then an interval colouring can always be established.