Decomposition of Multigraphs into Isomorphic Graphs with Two Edges

J. Ivanco1, M. Meszka 2, Z. Skupien2
1Department of Geometry and Algebra Safarik University Jesenné 5, 041 54 KoSice, Slovakia
2Institute of Mathematics AGH University of Mining and Metallurgy Mickiewieza, 30, 30-059 Krakéw, Poland


We improve upon Caro’s general polynomial characterizations, all in terms of modified line graphs, restricted to decomposing a graph into isomorphic subgraphs \(H\) with two edges. Firstly, we solve the problem for a multigraph; secondly, we decrease the polynomial bound on complexity if \(H = 2K_2\) and provide an original sufficient condition which can be verified in linear time if \(H = P_3\).