A Syndrome-Distribution Decoding of MOLS \(\mathcal{L}_p\) Codes

D. G. Kim1, S. Hahn2, Y. S. Kim2
1Chungwoon University, Hongsung-Eup,Chungnam 350-800, South Korea
2Department of Mathematics, KAIST, Taejon 305-701, South Korea


Let \(p\) be an odd prime number. We introduce a simple and useful decoding algorithm for orthogonal Latin square codes of order \(p\). Let \({H}\) be the parity check matrix of orthogonal Latin square code. For any \({x} \in {GF}(p)^n\), we call \(2 {H}^t\) the syndrome of \({x}\). This method is based on the syndrome-distribution decoding for linear codes. In \(\mathcal {L}_p\), we need to find the first and the second coordinates of codeword in order to correct the errored received vector.