Enumeration of the Bases of the Bicircular Matroid on a Complete Bipartite Graph

Nancy Ann Neudauer1, Brett Stevens2
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Pacific University 2043 College Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 USA
2School of Mathematics and Statistics Carleton University 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa ON K1S 5B6 Canada


We enumerate the bases of the bicircular matroid on \(K_{m,n}\). The structure of bases of the bicircular matroid in relation to the bases of the cycle matroid is explored. The techniques herein may enable the enumeration of the bases of bicircular matroids on larger classes of graphs; indeed one of the motivations for this work is to show the extendibility of the techniques recently used to enumerate the bases of the bicircular matroid on \(K_n\).