Chromatic Equivalence Classes of Certain Generalized Polygon Trees, \(II\)

Behnaz Omoomi1, Yee-Hock Peng2
1 Depariment of Mathematical Sciences Isfahan University of Technology 84154, Isfahan, Iran
2Department of Mathematics, and Institute for Mathematical research University Putra Malaysia 48400UPM Serdang, Malaysia


Let \(P(G)\) denote the chromatic polynomial of a graph \(G\). Two graphs \(G\) and \(H\) are chromatically equivalent, written \(G \sim H\), if \(P(G) = P(H)\). A graph \(G\) is chromatically unique if for any graph \(H\), \(G \sim H\) implies that \(G\) is isomorphic with \(H\). In “Chromatic Equivalence Classes of Certain Generalized Polygon Trees”, Discrete Mathematics Vol. \(172, 108–114 (1997)\), Peng \(et\; al\). studied the chromaticity of certain generalized polygon trees. In this paper, we present a chromaticity characterization of another big family of such graphs.