Embeddings of Steiner Quadruple Systems using Extensions of Linear Spaces

Chester W.J.Liu1, Peter R.Wild2
1 Department of International Business, Chang Jung University, 396 Sec.f Chang Jung Road, Kway Jen, Tainan, TAIWAN 711
2 Department of Mathematics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, UK


Using a linear space on \(v\) points with all block sizes \(|B| \equiv 0\) or \(1 \pmod{3}\), Doyen and Wilson construct a Steiner triple system on \(2v+1\) points that embeds a Steiner triple system on \(2|B|+1\) points for each block \(B\). We generalise this result to show that if the linear space on \(v\) points is extendable in a suitable way, there is a Steiner quadruple system on \(2v+2\) points that embeds a Steiner quadruple system on \(2(|B|+1)\) points for each block \(B\).