Optimal Binary Linear Codes Containing the \([6, 5, 2] \otimes [3, 1,3]\) Product Code

M. Esmaeili1, M.R. Yazdani2, T.A. Gulliver3
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
2Dept. of Systems and Computer Engineering Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
3Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3055, STN CSC Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 3P6


Optimal binary linear codes of length \(18\) containing the \([6, 5, 2]\otimes[ 3, 1, 3]\) product code are presented. It is shown that these are \([18, 9, 5]\) and \([18, 8, 6]\) codes. The soft-decision maximum-likelihood decoding complexity of these codes is determined. From this point of view, these codes are better than the \([18, 9, 6]\) code.