New Sufficient Conditions for \(s\)-Hamiltonian Graphs and \(s\)-Hamiltonian Connected Graphs

Yan Jin1, Zhao Kewen2,3, Hong-Jian Lai4, Ju Zhou4
1School of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, P. R. China
2Department of Mathematics, Qiongzhou University, Wuzhishan, Hainan 572200, P. R. China
3Department of Mathematics, Hainan Normal University, Haikou, Hainan 571100, P. R. China
4Department of Mathematics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506- 6310, USA


A graph \(G\) is \(s\)-Hamiltonian if for any \(S \subseteq V(G)\) of order at most \(s\), \(G-S\) has a Hamiltonian cycle, and \(s\)-Hamiltonian connected if for any \(S \subseteq V(G)\) of order at most \(s\), \(G-S\) is Hamiltonian-connected. Let \(k > 0, s \geq 0\) be two integers. The following are proved in this paper:(1) Let \(k \geq s+2\) and \(s \leq n-3\). If \(G\) is a \(k\)-connected graph of order \(n\) and if \(\max\{d(v) : v \in I\} \geq (n+s)/2\) for every independent set \(I\) of order \(k-s\) such that \(I\) has two distinct vertices \(x,y\) with \(1 \leq |N(x) \cap N(y)| \leq \alpha(G)+s-1\), then \(G\) is \(s\)-Hamiltonian.(2) Let \(k \geq s+3\) and \(s \leq n-2\). If \(G\) is a \(k\)-connected graph of order \(n\) and if \(\max\{d(v) : v \in I\} \geq (n+s+1)/2\) for every independent set \(I\) of order \(k-s-1\) such that \(I\) has two distinct vertices \(x,y\) with \(1 \leq |N(x) \cap N(y)| \leq \alpha(G)+s\), then \(G\) is \(s\)-Hamiltonian connected.These results extend several former results by Dirac, Ore, Fan, and Chen.