The semigirth \(\gamma\) of a digraph \(D\) is a parameter related to the number of shortest paths in \(D\). In particular, if \(G\) is a graph, the semigirth of the associated symmetric digraph \(G^*\) is \(\ell(G^*) = \lfloor {g(G) – 1}/{2} \rfloor\), where \(g(G)\) is the girth of the graph \(G\). In this paper, some bounds for the minimum number of vertices of a \(k\)-regular digraph \(D\) having girth \(g\) and semigirth \(\ell\), denoted by \(n(k, g; \ell)\), are obtained. Moreover, we construct a family of digraphs which achieve the lower bound for some particular values of the parameters.
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.