A directed triple system of order \(v\), denoted by DTS\((v)\), is a pair \((X,\mathcal{B})\) where \(X\) is a \(v\)-set and \(\mathcal{B}\) is a collection of transitive triples on \(X\) such that every ordered pair of \(X\) belongs to exactly one triple of \(\mathcal{B}\). A DTS\((v)\) is called pure and denoted by PDTS\((v)\) if \((x,y,z) \in \mathcal{B}\) implies \((z,y,x) \notin \mathcal{B}\). A large set of disjoint PDTS\((v)\) is denoted by LPDTS\((v)\). In this paper, we establish the existence of LPDTS\((v)\) for \(v \equiv 0,4 \pmod{6}\), \(v\geq 4\).
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.