Two Classes of Optimal Stopping Redundancy Codes

M. Esmaeili1, V. Ravanmehr1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Isfahan University of Technology 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran


The binary linear code \(H^\bot_{m,2}\), \(m > 2\), of length \(\binom{m}{2}\) represented by the generator matrix \(H_{m,2}\) consisting of all distinct column strings of length \(m\) and Hamming weight \(2\) is considered. A parity-check matrix \(H^\bot_{m,2}\) is assigned to the code \(H^\bot_{m,2}\). The code \(H_{m,2,3}\), \(m > 3\), of length \(\binom{m}{2} + \binom{m}{3}\) represented by the parity-check matrix \(H_{m,2,3}\) consisting of all distinct column strings of length \(m\) and Hamming weight two or three is also considered. It is shown that \(H^\bot_{m,2}\) and \(H_{m,2,3}\) are optimal stopping redundancy codes, that is for each of these codes the stopping distance of the associated parity-check matrix is equal to the minimum Hamming distance of the code, and the rows of the parity-check matrix are linearly independent. Explicit formulas determining the number of stopping sets of arbitrary size for these codes are given.