On Antimagic Total Labeling of Some Families of Graphs

M.Tariq Rahim1, Kashif Ali2, Imran Javaid3
1FAST (National University) 160-Industrial Estate, hayatabad Peshawar, Pakistan.
2Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
3CASPAM, Bahauddin Zakria University Multan, Pakistan.


This paper deals with two types of graph labelings namely, super \((a, d)\)-edge antimagic total labeling and \((a, d)\)-vertex antimagic total labeling. We provide super \((a, d)\)-edge antimagic total labeling for disjoint unions of Harary graphs and disjoint unions of cycles. We also provide \((a,d)\)-vertex antimagic total labeling for disjoint unions of Harary graphs, disjoint unions of cycles, sun graphs and disjoint unions of sun graphs,