Graceful and Edge-Antimagic Labelings

Martin Baca1, Christian Barrientos2
1Department of Applied Mathematics, Technical University Letnad 9, 042 00 Kodice, Slovak Republic
2College of Information and Mathematical Sciences Clayton State University Morrow, GA 30260, USA


A graph labeling is an assignment of integers (labels) to the vertices and/or edges of a graph. Within vertex labelings, two main branches can be distinguished: difference vertex labelings that associate each edge of the graph with the difference of the labels of its endpoints. Graceful and edge-antimagic vertex labelings correspond to these branches, respectively. In this paper, we study some connections between them. Indeed, we study the conditions that allow us to transform any \(a\)-labeling (a special case of graceful labeling) of a tree into an \((a, 1)\)- and \((a, 2)\)-edge antimagic vertex labeling.