Existence for Perfect \(T(K_{1,k})\)-triple Systems

Yuanyuan Liu1, Qingde Kang2, Mingchao Li3
1Department of Fundamental Science North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering Langfang 065000, P. R. China
2Institute of Mathematics, Hebei Normal University Shijiazhuang 050016, P. R. China
3College of Science, Hebei University of Engineering Handan 0560386, P. R. China


Let \(G\) be a subgraph of \(K_n\). The graph obtained from \(G\) by replacing each edge with a 3-cycle whose third vertex is distinct from other vertices in the configuration is called a \(T(G)\)-triple. An edge-disjoint decomposition of \(3K_n\) into copies of \(T(G)\) is called a \(T(G)\)-triple system of order \(n\). If, in each copy of \(T(G)\) in a \(T(G)\)-triple system, one edge is taken from each 3-cycle (chosen so that these edges form a copy of \(G\)) in such a way that the resulting copies of \(G\) form an edge-disjoint decomposition of \(K_n\), then the \(T(G)\)-triple system is said to be perfect. The set of positive integers \(n\) for which a perfect \(T(G)\)-triple system exists is called its spectrum. Earlier papers by authors including Billington, Lindner, Kıvcıkgızı, and Rosa determined the spectra for cases where \(G\) is any subgraph of \(K_4\). In this paper, we will focus on the star graph \(K_{1,k}\) and discuss the existence of perfect \(T(K_{1,k})\)-triple systems. Especially, for prime powers \(k\), its spectra are completely determined.