Codes from Embeddings of the Strong Product of Triangular Graphs and K and Certain Induced Subgraphs

Washiela Fish1, Khumbo Kumwenda1, Eric Mwambene1
1Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535, South Africa.


We introduce vertex-transitive graphs \(\Gamma_n\), that are also embeddings of the strong product of triangular graphs \(L(K_n)\) and the complete graph \(K_2\). For any prime \(p\), linear codes obtained from the row span of incidence matrices of the graphs over \(\mathbb{F}_p\), are considered; their main parameters (length, dimension and minimum distance) and automorphism groups are determined. Unlike most codes that have been obtained from incidence and adjacency matrices of regular graphs by others, binary codes from the row span of incidence matrices of \(\Gamma_n\) have other minimum words apart from the rows of the matrices. Using a specific information set, PD-sets for full permutation decoding of the codes are exhibited.