On the Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total Coloring of Graphs

Zhi-wen Wang1,2,3, Li-Hong Yan2,3, Jaeun Lee1, Zhong-fu Zhang4
1College of Mathematics and Computer, Ningxia University, Ningxia, 750021, China.
2Department of Mathematics of Yeungnam University, Daedong, Kyongsan, Kyongbuk 712-749, Korea,
3Department of Mathematics of Xianyang Norma] University, Xianyang,Shangxi, 712000, P.R.China
4Department of Mathematics of Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730070, P.R.China


A total coloring of a simple graph \(G\) is called adjacent vertex distinguishing if for any two adjacent and distinct vertices \(u\) and \(v\) in \(G\), the set of colors assigned to the vertices and the edges incident to \(u\) differs from the set of colors assigned to the vertices and the edges incident to \(v\). In this paper, we shall prove that the adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number of an outer plane graph with \(\Delta \leq 5\) is \(\Delta+2\) if \(G\) has two adjacent maximum degree vertices, otherwise it is \(\Delta+1\).