Union Distinct Families of Sets, with an Application to Cryptography

Mausumi Bose1, Rahul Mukerjee2
1Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, India
2Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Joka, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700 104, India


A family of sets is called \(K\)-union distinct if all unions involving \(K\) or fewer members thereof are distinct. If a family of
sets is \(K\)-cover-free, then it is \(K\)-union distinct. In this paper, we recognize that this is only a sufficient condition and,
from this perspective, consider partially cover-free families of sets with a view to constructing union distinct families. The
role of orthogonal arrays and related combinatorial structures is explored in this context. The results are applied to find
efficient anti-collusion digital fingerprinting codes.