Color Degree and Heterochromatic Paths in Edge-Colored Graphs

Shuo Li1,2, Dongxiao Yu2, Jin Yan2
1Department of Mathematics, Changji University Changji, 831100, People’s Republic of China
2School of Mathematics, Shandong University Jinan, 250100, People’s Republic of China


Let \(G\) be an edge-colored graphs. A heterochromatic path of \(G\) is such a path in which no two edges have the same color. Let \(g^c(G)\) and \(d^c(v)\) denote the heterochromatic girth and the color degree of a vertex \(v\) of \(G\), respectively. In this paper, some color degree and heterochromatic girth conditions for the existence of heterochromatic paths are obtained.