Asymmetric Cycle Avoidance Online Ramsey Games in Random Graphs

Rui Zhang1, Yongqi Sun1, Yali Wu1
1Beijing Key Lab of Traffic Data Analysis and Mining School of Computer and Information Technology Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, 100044, P. R. China


Consider the following one-person game: let \(S = {F_1, F_2,\ldots, F_r}\) be a family of forbidden graphs. The edges of a complete graph are randomly shown to the Painter one by one, and he must color each edge with one of \(r\) colors when it is presented, without creating some fixed monochromatic forbidden graph \(F\); in the \(i\)-th color. The case of all graphs \(F\); being cycles is studied in this paper. We give a lower bound on the threshold function for online \(S\)-avoidance game,which generalizes the results of Marciniszyn, Spdhel and Steger for the symmetric case. [Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, Vol. \(18, 2009: 271-300.\)]