Simple \(3\)-Designs of PS \(L(2, 2^n)\) with Block Size \(7\)

Luozhong Gong1, Guobing Fan2
1Institute of Computational Mathematics, Hunan University of Science and Engineering Yongzhou, Hunan, 425100, P. R. China,
2Hunan College of Finance and Economics, Changsha, Hunan, 410205, P. R. China


This paper devotes to the investigation of \(3\)-designs admitting the special projective linear group \(\mathrm{PSL}(2, 2^n)\) as an automorphism, and we determine all the possible values of \(n\) in the simple \(3-(2^n + 1, 7, \lambda)\) designs admitting \(\mathrm{PSL}(2,2^n)\) as an automorphism group.