On Finding Lagrangians of \(3\)-uniform Hypergraphs

George He1, Yuejian Peng2, Cheng Zhao2
1EOIR Technologies, Inc. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN, 47809
2Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN, 47809


It is known that determining the Lagrangian of a general \(r\)-uniform hypergraph is useful in practice and is non-trivial when \(r \geq 3\). In this paper, we explore the Lagrangians of \(3\)-uniform hypergraphs with edge sets having restricted structures. In particular, we establish a number of optimization problems for finding the largest Lagrangian of \(3\)-uniform hypergraphs with the number of edges \(m = \binom{k}{3} – a\), where \(a = 3\) or \(4\). We also verify that the largest Lagrangian has the colex ordering structure for \(3\)-uniform hypergraphs when the number of edges is small.