Some Graft Transformations and Their Applications on \(Q\)-Spectral Radius of a Graph

Guanglong Yu1,2, Hailiang Zhang2,3, Jinlong Shu2
1Department of Mathematics, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, 224002, Jiangsu, P.R. China
2Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200241, China
3Department of Mathematics, Taizhou University, Taizhou, 317000, Zhejiang, China


A generalized \(\theta\)-graph is composed of at least three internal disjoint paths (at most one of them is with length 1) which have the same initial vertex and the same terminal vertex. If the initial vertex and the terminal vertex are the same in a generalized \(\theta\)-graph, then the generalized \(\theta\)-graph is called a degenerated \(\theta\)-graph or a petal graph. In this paper, two graft transformations that increase or decrease the \(Q\)-spectral radius of a graph are represented. With them, for the generalized \(\theta\)-graphs and petal graphs with order \(n\), the extremal graphs with the maximal \(Q\)-spectral radius and the extremal graphs with the minimal \(Q\)-spectral radius are characterized, respectively.