Local Restricted Edge Connectivity and Restricted Edge-Connectivity of Graphs

Litao Guo1, Xiaofeng Guo2
1School of Applied Mathematics, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen Fujian 361024, China
2School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Fujian 361005, China


Let \(G\) be a connected graph and \(k > 1\) be an integer. The local \(k\)-restricted edge connectivity \(\lambda_k(X,Y)\) of \(X,Y\) in \(G\) is the maximum number of edge-disjoint \(X\)-\(Y\) paths for \(X,Y \subseteq V\) with \(|X| = |Y| = k\), \(X \cap Y = \emptyset\), \(G[X]\) and \(G[Y]\) are connected. The \(k\)-restricted edge connectivity of \(G\) is defined as \(\lambda_k(G) = \min\{\lambda_k(X,Y) : X,Y \subseteq V, |X| = |Y| = k, X \cap Y = \emptyset, G[X] \text{ and } G[Y]\) are connected. Then \(G\) is local optimal \(k\)-restricted edge connected if \(\lambda_k(X,Y) = \min\{w(X), w(Y)\}\) for all \(X,Y \subseteq V\) with \(|X| = |Y| = k\), \(G[X]\) and \(G[Y]\) are connected, where \(w(X) = |E(X, \overline{X})|\). If \(\lambda_k(G) = \xi_k(G)\), where \(\xi_k(G) = \min\{w(X) : U \subset V, |U| = k \text{ and } G[U] \text{ is connected}\}\), then \(G\) is called \(\lambda_k\)-optimal. In this paper, we obtain several sufficient conditions for a graph to be \(3\)-optimal (or local optimal \(k\)-restricted edge connected).