Toughness and \([a, b]\)-Factors with Prescribed Properties

Renying Chang1, Yan Zhu2
1School of Science, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong, 276005, China
2Department of Mathematics, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China


In this paper, we consider the relationship between toughness and the existence of \([a, b]\)-factors with inclusion/exclusion properties. We obtain that if \(t(G) \geq a – 1 + \frac{a – 1}{b}\) with \(b > a > 2\), where \(a, b\) are two integers, then for any two given edges \(e_1\) and \(e_2\), there exist an \([a, b]\)-factor including \(e_1, e_2\); and an \([a, b]\)-factor including \(e_1\) and excluding \(e_2\); as well as an \((a, b)\)-factor excluding \(e_1, e_2\). Furthermore, it is shown that the results are best possible in some sense.