For any graph-theoretic terminology and notation not defined here, we
refer readers to [12 ]. Given a graph \(G = (V, E)\) and a fixed integer \(k \geq 2\) . For two sets \(X, Y\) , we sometimes use \(X + Y\) and \(X –
Y\) to indicate \(X \cup Y\) and
\(X \setminus Y\) . We abbreviate \(X \cup \{u\}\) (resp., \(X \setminus \{u\}\) ) by \(X + u\) (resp., \(X – u\) ). We use \(N_G(u)\) , or simply just \(N(u)\) when the graph \(G\) is clear from the context, to denote
the (open) neighborhood of \(u\) , i.e., set of all vertices in \(G\) that are adjacent to \(u\) . The closed neighborhood of
\(u\) , denoted by \(N_G[u]\) or simply \(N[u]\) , is the set \(N_G(u) + u\) . The degree of \(u\) , denoted by \(\deg_G(u)\) , is nothing but the size of
\(N_G(u)\) . An independent set
(or stable set ) of \(G\) is a
vertex subset \(I\) such that for every
\(u, v \in I\) we have \(uv \notin E(G)\) . The \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph of \(G\) , denoted by \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) , takes all size-\(k\) independent sets of \(G\) as its nodes and two nodes \(I, J\) are adjacent (under Token
Sliding (\(\mathsf{TS}\) )) if
there exist two vertices \(u, v \in
V(G)\) such that \(I – J =
\{u\}\) , \(J – I = \{v\}\) , and
\(uv \in E(G)\) . Two graphs \(G\) and \(H\) are isomorphic , denoted by
\(G \simeq H\) , if there exists a
bijective mapping \(f: V(G) \to V(H)\)
such that \(uv \in E(G)\) if and only
if \(f(u)f(v) \in E(H)\) . A graph \(G\) is called a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph if there exists
a graph \(H\) such that \(G \simeq \mathsf{TS}_k(H)\) . A
forest is a graph having no cycles (i.e., it is
acyclic ) and a connected forest is a tree . A \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -tree/forest is a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph which is also a
tree/forest. Figure 1 illustrates a \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -tree on six vertices
Figure 1. A Graph \(G\) with \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G) = D_{1,3,2}\). Each Node \(ab\) Represents a Size-\(2\) Stable Set of \(G\)
In this paper, we study these two questions for the case when \(G\) is a tree or a forest.
The union \(G \cup H\) of
two (labelled) graphs \(G\) and \(H\) is the graph with \(V(G \cup H) = V(G) \cup V(H)\) and \(E(G \cup H) = E(G) \cup E(H)\) . When
vertices and edges of \(G\) and \(H\) are considered distinct regardless of
their labels, we say that \(G \cup H\)
is the disjoint union of \(G\)
and \(H\) , and write \(G + H\) instead of \(G \cup H\) to distinguish from their union.
We respectively denote by \(K_n\) ,
\(P_n\) , and \(C_n\) the complete graph ,
path , and cycle on \(n\) vertices. \(K_{m,n}\) (\(m
\leq n\) ) is the complete bipartite graph whose two
partite sets are of sizes \(m\) and
\(n\) respectively. \(K_{1,n}\) is also called a star —a
tree obtained by attaching \(n\) leaves
to a central vertex. A family of graphs that we will use in the sequel
generalizes stars and paths. For fix positive integers \(n,r,s\) , let \(D_{r,n,s}\) be the tree obtained from \(P_n\) by appending \(r\) leaves at one end and \(s\) leaves at the other. Note that \(D_{1,1,s}\) is the star \(K_{1,s+1}\) and \(D_{1,n,1}\) is the path \(P_{n+2}\) . Figure 1 illustrates
\(D_{1,3,2}\) (right). An \(n\) -ary tree is a rooted tree in which
each node has at most \(n\) children.
Any tree with maximum degree at most \(n+1\) can be rooted at a vertex with degree
at most \(n\) (e.g., a leaf) to produce
a \(n\) -ary tree. In particular, a
\(2\) -ary tree is nothing but the
well-known binary tree.
In the next section, we begin by partially answering (Q1) when \(G\) is a tree/forest and \(k \in \{2,3\}\) and conclude the section by
conjecturing for \(k \geq 4\) . Then,
before addressing (Q2) for some trees/forests, in particular \(k\) -ary trees and \(D_{r,n,s}\) , we define an important graph
operation which, under certain conditions, can be used for combining two
\(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graphs by taking
their union to obtain a new one. The final section of the paper gives
some concluding remarks.
2. Results on (Q1)
In this section, we prove necessary and sufficient conditions for a
tree/forest \(G\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) is acyclic for \(k \in \{2,3\}\) , partially answering
We begin with some definitions and observations. The
complement \(\overline{G}\) of
a graph \(G\) is the graph with \(V(\overline{G}) = V(G)\) and \(E(\overline{G}) = \{uv: uv \notin E(G)\}\) .
The size-\(m\) matching ,
denoted by \(mK_2\) , is the graph
obtained by taking the disjoint union of \(m\) copies of \(K_2\) . Observe that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(2K_2) \simeq C_4\) . We label
vertices in a \(D_{r,n,s}\) (\(r, n, s \geq 1\) ) as follows: Vertices of
\(P_n\) are labelled \(p_1, \dots, p_n\) . The \(r\) leaves attached to \(p_1\) are \(u_1,
\dots, u_r\) and the \(s\)
leaves attached to \(p_n\) are \(v_1, \dots, v_s\) . \(D_{2,2,2}\) is shaped like an
H and \(\mathsf{TS}_2(D_{2,2,2})\) contains a cycle
\(C_8\) whose vertex-set is \(\{u_1v_1, u_1p_2, u_1v_2, p_1v_2, u_2v_2, u_2p_2,
u_2v_1, p_1v_1\}\) . Indeed, respectively from Lemma 1 of [6 ] and Figure 2,
if a \(n\) -vertex graph \(G\) is either \(\overline{C_n}\) (\(n \geq 5\) ) or a graph in the list \(\mathcal{G}\) described in Figure 2
(which includes \(2K_2\) and \(D_{2,2,2}\) ), the graph \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) contains a cycle.
Additionally, we have:
Figure 2. A List \(\mathcal{G}\) of \(n\)-vertex Graphs \(G\) (\(4 \leq n \leq 7\)) such that if \(\mathsf{TS}_2(H)\) is Acyclic for Some Graph \(H\) then \(H\) does not Contain any Member of \(\mathcal{G} \cup \{\overline{C_n}: n \geq 5\}\) as an Induced Subgraph.
Lemma 1 .
(a) For \(k \ge 2\) , \(\mathsf{TS}_k(2K_2+nK_1)\) contains a cycle
\(C_4\) if \(n \ge k-2\) otherwise it is
(b) For \(k \in \{2,3\}\) , \(s \ge 1\) , \(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{1,n,s})\) contains a cycle
\(C_{4}\) if \(n \ge 2k-1\) otherwise it is
(c) For \(k \in \{2,3\}\) and
\(r,s \ge 2\) , \(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{r,n,s})\) contains a cycle
\(C_8\) if \(n \ge 2k-2\) otherwise it is
(a) If \(1 \leq n < k – 2\) ,
there is no size-\(k\) independent set
in \(2K_2 + nK_1\) , thus its \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph is obviously acyclic.
Otherwise, let \(I \subseteq V(nK_1)\)
be an arbitrary independent set of size \(k-2\) , and let \(E(2K_2) = \{ab, cd\}\) . Then, \(\{I+a+c, I+a+d, I+b+c, I+b+d\}\) induces a
\(C_4\) in \(\mathsf{TS}_k(2K_2 + nK_1)\) .
(b) Observe that if \(n \geq 2k –
1\) , \(D_{1,n,s}\) contains an
induced \(2K_2 + (k-2)K_1\) , which can
be obtained by taking \(u_1p_1\) and
\(p_nv_1\) as edges of \(2K_2\) and the remaining \(k-2\) independent vertices from the path
\(D_{1,n,s} – \{u_1, p_1, p_2, p_{n-1}, p_n,
v_1, \dots, v_s\}\) on \(n – 4\)
vertices. (Since \(n \geq 2k – 1\) ,
this path has an independent set of size at least \(\lceil (n-4)/2 \rceil \geq \lceil (2k – 5)/2
\rceil = k – 2\) .) Then, using a similar argument as in (a) we
have \(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{1,n,s})\)
contains a \(C_4\) .
On the other hand, if \(1\leq n \leq 2k –
2\) for \(k \in \{2,3\}\) , since
\(D_{1,n-1,s}\) is always an induced
subgraph of \(D_{1,n,s}\) for \(n \geq 2\) , it follows that if \(\mathsf{TS}_2(D_{1,n-1,s})\) has a cycle
then so is \(\mathsf{TS}_2(D_{1,n,s})\) . Therefore, it
suffices to show that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{1,2k-2,s})\) is acyclic
for \(k \in \{2,3\}\) . Indeed, based on
the number of tokens placed on the path \(u_1p_1\dots p_n\) (which is at most three),
one can verify that each component of \(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{1,2k-2,s})\) is either an
isolated vertex, a path, or a star.
(c) Observe that if \(n \geq 2k –
2\) , \(D_{r,n,s}\) contains the
independent sets \(I + u_1 + v_1\) ,
\(I + u_1 + p_n\) , \(I + u_1 + v_s\) , \(I + p_1 + v_1\) , \(I + p_1 + v_s\) , \(I + u_r + v_1\) , \(I + u_r + p_n\) , and \(I + u_r + v_s\) , where \(I = \emptyset\) when \(n = 2\) and otherwise \(I\) is an independent set of the path \(p_2\dots p_{n-1}\) of size \(k – 2\) . (Note that \(p_2\dots p_{n-1}\) has an independent set
of size at most \(\lceil (n-2)/2 \rceil \geq k
– 2\) .) They indeed induce a \(C_8\) in \(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{r,n,s})\) .
On the other hand, if \(1 \leq n \leq 2k –
3\) for \(k \in \{2,3\}\) , using
a similar case-analysis as in (b), one can verify that each component of
\(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{r,n,s})\) is either
an isolated vertex, a path, or a star, and therefore it is
We are now ready to show the necessary and sufficient conditions for
a tree/forest \(G\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) is acyclic, where \(k \in \{2,3\}\) .
Proposition 1 . Let \(T\) be a tree. Then \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T)\) is acyclic if and only
if \(T\) is \(\{2K_2, D_{2,2,2}\}\) -free.
Suppose to the contrary that either \(2K_2\) or \(D_{2,2,2}\) is an induced subgraph of \(T\) . In the first case it follows from the
discussion above that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T)\) contains a \(C_4\) and in the second case that it
contains a \(C_8\) .
We assume that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T)\) contains a cycle and
show that it must contain one of the two forbidden subgraphs. Firstly,
suppose that \(T\) is a path \(P_n\) . Since \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T)\) contains a cycle, it
follows from Lemma 1 (b) that \(n \ge
5\) and so \(T\) contains an
induced \(2K_2\) .
We now assume \(T\) has a vertex of
at least degree 3. We will construct a copy \(T^\prime\) of \(T\) by initially choosing a vertex \(a\) of maximum degree in \(T\) and letting \(T^\prime = N[a]\) . Note that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T^\prime)\) is acyclic. We
add edges from \(T\) to \(T^\prime\) and show after each addition
that either \(T^\prime\) contains a
forbidden subgraph, so we are done, or that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T^\prime)\) remains acyclic
so that \(T \neq T^\prime\) .
Let \(b\) be a child of \(a\) of highest degree, \(c\) be a child of next highest degree, and
\(d\) be any other child. Since \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T^\prime)\) is acyclic \(T \neq T^\prime\) and \(b\) must have \(r
\ge 1\) children. Let \(e\) be a
child of \(b\) with maximum degree. We
add \(N[b]\) to \(T^\prime\) obtaining a copy of \(D_{r,2,s}\) , where \(s=\deg_T(a)-1 \ge 2\) . If \(r \ge 2\) , we have the required forbidden
induced subgraph. If \(r = 1\) then by
Lemma 1 (b) \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T^\prime)\) is acyclic, so
there must be extra edges to add to \(T^\prime\) . If \(c\) has a child \(y\) then \(\{b,c,e,y\}\) induce a \(2K_2\) . Otherwise, \(e\) must have at least one child \(g\) . Adding \(eg\) to \(T^\prime\) we obtain \(2K_2\) as an induced subgraph on \(\{a,d,e,g\}\) . This completes the
Figure 3. Illustration for Proposition 3: Some trees \(T^\prime\) Containing \(N[b]\) whose \(\mathsf{TS}_2\)-graphs have a Cycle. Here \(r\) is the Number of Children of \(b\). Copies of \(2K_2\) and \(D_{2,2,2}\) are Marked by Red Color
Corollary 1 . Let \(T\) be a tree. Then \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T)\) is acyclic if and only
if \(T\) is either \(K_{1,s}\) or \(D_{1,2,s}\) for some positive integer \(s\) .
Proof. The proof of Proposition 1 can be viewed as
an algorithm that takes a tree \(T\)
and either terminates with \(T=T^\prime\) being one of the trees in the
corollary or finds a forbidden induced graph in \(T\) . ◻
Corollary 2 . Let \(F\) be a forest. Then \(\mathsf{TS}_2(F)\) is a acyclic if and only
if \(F\) is \(\{2K_2, D_{2,2,2}\}\) -free.
Proof. We prove that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(F)\) contains a cycle if and
only if \(F\) contains one of the
graphs in \(\{2K_2, D_{2,2,2}\}\) as an
induced subgraph.
Suppose that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(F)\)
contains a cycle. Since the independent sets have size two, both
vertices of each independent set must lie in the same connected
component \(T\) of \(F\) . By Proposition 1 , the tree \(T\) must have either \(2K_2\) or \(D_{2,2,2}\) as an induced subgraph.
Conversely if \(F\) contains \(2K_2\) or \(D_{2,2,2}\) as an induced subgraph then
\(\mathsf{TS}_2(F)\) contains
respectively a \(C_4\) or a \(C_8\) . ◻
Moving to the case of stable sets of size three, the conditions for
trees and forests differ slightly. We deal with the tree case first.
Proposition 2 . Let \(T\) be a tree. Then \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T)\) is acyclic if and only
if \(T\) is \(\{2K_2+K_1, D_{2,4,2}\}\) -free.
Proof. The structure of the proof is the same as for
Proposition 1 . However, there are more cases to
Suppose to the contrary that either \(2K_2+K_1\) or \(D_{2,4,2}\) is an induced subgraph of \(T\) . In the first case it follows that
\(\mathsf{TS}_3(T)\) contains a \(C_4\) and in the second case that it
contains a \(C_8\) .
We assume that \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T)\) contains a cycle and
show that it must contain one of the two forbidden subgraphs. The first
part of the proof is essentially the same as for Proposition 1 with
minor modifications. Firstly suppose that \(T\) is a path \(P_n\) . Since \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T)\) contains a cycle it
follows from Lemma 1 (b) that \(n \ge
7\) and so \(T\) contains an
induced \(2K_2+K_1\) .
We now assume \(T\) has a vertex of
at least degree 3. We will construct a copy \(T^\prime\) of \(T\) by initially choosing a vertex \(a\) of maximum degree in \(T\) and letting \(T^\prime = N[a]\) . Note that \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T^\prime)\) is acyclic. We
add edges from \(T\) to \(T^\prime\) showing after each addition that
either \(T^\prime\) contains a
forbidden subgraph, so we are done, or that \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T^\prime)\) remains acyclic
so that \(T \neq T^\prime\) .
Let \(b\) be a child of \(a\) of highest degree, \(c\) be a child of next highest degree, and
\(d\) be any other child. Since \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T^\prime)\) is acyclic \(T \neq T^\prime\) and \(b\) must have \(r
\ge 1\) children. Let \(e\) be a
child of \(b\) with maximum degree. If
\(c\) has a child \(y\) then \(\{b,c,d,e,y\}\) induce a \(2K_2+K_1\) and we are done. Otherwise we
add \(N[b]\) to \(T^\prime\) obtaining a copy of \(D_{r,2,s}\) , where \(s=\deg_T(a)-1 \ge 2\) . By Lemma 1 (c), \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T^\prime)\) is acyclic and so
\(T \neq T^\prime\) . There are two
(r\(\geq\)2) Let \(f\) be a second child of
\(b\) and let \(g\) be a child of \(e\) . Adding \(eg\) to \(T^\prime\) we obtain \(2K_2+K_1\) as an induced subgraph on \(\{a,d,e,f,g\}\) .
(r\(=\)1) Since \(e\) is the only child of
\(b\) it must have children. Let \(t \ge 1\) be the number of children of
\(e\) and let \(h\) be the child of \(e\) of maximum degree. We add \(N[e]\) to \(T^\prime\) obtaining a copy of \(D_{t,3,s}\) and \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T^\prime)\) is acyclic by
Lemma 1 (c). There are two subcases:
(t\(\geq\)2) Let \(i\) be any other child of
\(e\) . Since \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T^\prime)\) is acyclic \(h\) must have at least one child \(j\) . We have now constructed an induced
\(2K_2+K_1\) on \(\{a,d,h,i,j\}\) .
(t\(=\)1) If \(h\) has a single child
\(k\) add \(hk\) to \(T^\prime\) which is a copy of \(D_{1,4,s}\) and again by Lemma 1 (c) \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T^\prime)\) is acyclic. So
\(k\) has a child \(l\) . Adding \(kl\) to \(T^\prime\) it contains an induced \(P_7\) and we find the forbidden subgraph
\(2K_2+K_1\) on vertices \(\{a,d,e,k,l\}\) . Otherwise, \(h\) has at least two children including
vertices \(k\) and \(m\) . Adding edges \(hk\) and \(hm\) to \(T^\prime\) we obtain the forbidden subgraph
\(D_{2,4,2}\) . This completes the
Figure 4. Illustration for Proposition 2: Some trees \(T^\prime\) Containing \(N[b]\) whose \(\mathsf{TS}_3\)-graphs have a cycle. Here \(r\) and \(t\) are respectively the Number of Children of \(B\) and its Child \(E\). Copies of \(2K_2 + K_1\) and \(D_{2,4,2}\) are marked by Red Color
Corollary 3 . Let \(T\) be a tree. Then \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T)\) is acyclic if and only
if for some positive integer \(s\) ,
\(T\) is either \(K_{1,s}\) , \(D_{1,n,s}\) where \(n \le 4\) , or \(D_{r,n,s}\) where \(r \ge 2\) and \(n
\le 3\) .
Proof. The proof of Proposition 2 can be viewed as
an algorithm that takes a tree \(T\)
and either terminates with \(T=T^\prime\) being one of the trees in the
corollary or finds a forbidden induced graph in \(T\) showing that \(\mathsf{TS}_3(T)\) has a cycle. ◻
Corollary 4 . Let \(F\) be a forest. Then \(\mathsf{TS}_3(F)\) is a forest if and only
if \(F\) is \(\{2K_2+K_1, D_{2,2,2}+K_1,
D_{2,4,2}\}\) -free.
Proof. We prove that \(\mathsf{TS}_3(F)\) contains a cycle if and
only if \(F\) contains one of the
graphs in \(\{2K_2+K_1, D_{2,2,2}+K_1,
D_{2,4,2}\}\) as an induced subgraph.
Suppose that \(\mathsf{TS}_3(F)\)
contains a cycle \(C\) . Since the
independent sets have size three, there are three cases to consider.
Firstly, if the three vertices of each independent set in \(C\) lie in the same connected component
\(T\) of \(F\) , by Proposition 2 , the tree \(T\) must have either \(2K_2+K_1\) or \(D_{2,4,2}\) as an induced subgraph.
Secondly, suppose two of the vertices of each stable set lie in the same
connected component \(T\) of \(F\) , which must have at least two connected
components. Thus, \(C\) induces a cycle
in \(\mathsf{TS}_2(T)\) . So by
Proposition 1 , the tree \(T\) must have either \(2K_2\) or \(D_{2,2,2}\) as an induced subgraph. Since
\(F\) has at least two components,
\(F\) contains \(2K_2+K_1\) or \(D_{2,2,2}+K_1\) . Finally, suppose each
vertex of each stable set lies in a different component of \(F\) , which therefore has at least three
components. At least two of these components must be non-trivial, i.e.,
contain an edge. Therefore, \(F\)
contains an induced \(2K_2+K_1\) .
Conversely, suppose \(F\) contains
\(2K_2+K_1\) , \(D_{2,2,2}+K_1\) or \(D_{2,4,2}\) as an induced subgraph. Then
\(\mathsf{TS}_3(F)\) contains a \(C_4\) in the first instance or a \(C_8\) in the other two. ◻
For \(k \geq 4\) , we have the
following proposition.
Proposition 3 . Let \(F\) be a forest. For \(k \geq 4\) , if \(F\) contains either \(2K_2+(k-2)K_1\) , or \(D_{2,2,2}+(k-2)K_1\) , or \(D_{2,4,2}+(k-3)K_1\) as an induced
subgraph, \(\mathsf{TS}_k(F)\) has a
Proof. One can verify that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(2K_2)\) contains a \(C_4\) , and \(\mathsf{TS}_2(D_{2,2,2})\) and \(\mathsf{TS}_3(D_{2,4,2})\) both contain a
\(C_8\) . As a result, so do \(\mathsf{TS}_k(2K_2 + (k-2)K_1)\) , \(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{2,2,2} + (k-2)K_1)\) , and
\(\mathsf{TS}_k(D_{2,4,2} +
(k-3)K_1)\) , respectively. Consequently, \(\mathsf{TS}_k(F)\) has a cycle, as
desired. ◻
We conclude this section with the following conjecture for \(k \geq 4\) .
Conjecture 1 . Let \(F\) be a forest. For \(k \geq 4\) , if \(\mathsf{TS}_k(F)\) is a forest, \(F\) is \(\{2K_2+(k-2)K_1, D_{2,2,2}+(k-2)K_1,
D_{2,4,2}+(k-3)K_1\}\) -free.
3. \(H\) -join and
\(H\) -decomposition
Before considering (Q2), in this section, we describe an operation
for combining \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graphs
to produce new ones. We first define a family of base graphs as
follows. Let \(V\) be a set of \(k+1\) vertices including two vertices
labelled \(u\) and \(v\) . Then \(B_k(V,uv)\) is the graph with vertex set
\(V\) and single edge \(uv\) . We have \(\mathsf{TS}_k(B_k(V,uv))=K_2\) whose two
vertices are labelled by the independent sets \(V – u\) and \(V-v\) . Next, we define the \(H\) -join operation and its
Definition 1 . Vertex-labelled graphs \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) are \(H\) -consistent if the (possibly empty)
intersection of their vertex sets define the same (possibly empty)
common induced subgraph \(H\) . The
\(H\) -join of \(H\) -consistent graphs \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) is the graph \(H(G_1,G_2)\) with \(V(H(G_1,G_2)) = V(G_1) \cup V(G_2)\) . The
edges \(E(H(G_1,G_2))\) consist of
\(E(G_1) \cup E(G_2)\) plus all edges
\(vw\) with \(v \in V(G_1) \setminus V(H)\) and \(w \in V(G_2) \setminus V(H)\) .
Recall that a (vertex) cut-set in a connected graph \(G\) is a vertex set \(W\) such that \(G
– W\) is disconnected. We extend this definition to the case
where \(G\) is disconnected by allowing
\(W=\emptyset\) . We say that \(W\) decomposes \(G\) into two (not necessarily connected)
induced subgraphs \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) for which \(V(G_1) \cap V(G_2) = W\) and \(V(G_1) \cup V(G_2) = V(G)\) . If \(G-W\) has more than two (connected)
components, the decomposition is not unique.
Definition 2 . Let \(G\) be a vertex-labelled graph. Let \(W \subset V(\overline{G}) = V(G)\)
decompose the complement \(\overline{G}\) into \(\overline{G_1}\) and \(\overline{G_2}\) . Let \(H\) be the subgraph of \(G\) induced by \(W\) . We say that \(G\) can be \(H\) -decomposed into \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) .
It follows from the definitions that if \(G=H(G_1,G_2)\) then \(G\) can be \(H\) -decomposed into \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) , and vice versa. It is easy to verify
that the size-\(k\) independent sets of
\(H(G_1,G_2)\) are the union of those
of \(G_1\) and those of \(G_2\) .
As an example consider the two \(4\) -vertex graphs \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) that are paths with edge sets \(E(G_1)=\{ad, bc, cd\}\) and \(E(G_2)=\{ad, ae, eb\}\) . These share a
common induced subgraph \(H\) with
\(V(H)=\{a,b,d\}\) and \(E(H)=\{ad\}\) . We have \(V(H(G_1,G_2))=\{a,b,c,d,e\}\) and \(E(H(G_1,G_2))=\{ad,ae,bc,cd,ce,be\}\) . Note
that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_1)\) is the path
with edges \(\{ac-ab,ab-bd\}\) and that
\(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_2)\) is the path with
edges \(\{ab-bd,bd-de\}\) . It can be
verified that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(H(G_1,G_2))\) is the path
with edges \(\{ac-ab,ab-bd,bd-de\}\)
which is the union of two paths \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_1)\) and \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_2)\) . (See Figure 5.)
Figure 5. The Graphs \(G_1, G_2\), \(H(G_1, G_2)\), and their Corresponding \(\mathsf{TS}_2\)-graphs. Here \(\mathsf{TS}_2(H(G_1, G_2)) = \mathsf{TS}_2(G_1) \cup \mathsf{TS}_2(G_2)\)
Now consider the graph \(G_3\) which
is the path with edges \(\{ad,cd,ce\}\) . \(G_1\) and \(G_3\) share a common induced subgraph \(H\) with \(V(H)=\{a,c,d\}\) and \(E(H)=\{ad,cd\}\) . We have \(E(H(G_1,G_3))=\{ad,bc,be,cd,ce\}\) . Note
that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_3)\) is the path
with edges \(\{ac-ae,ae-de\}\) . In this
case, \(\mathsf{TS}_2(H(G_1,G_3))\) is
the graph with edges \(\{ab-ac,ac-ae,ae-de,de-bd,bd-ab,ab-ae\}\)
which is the union of \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_1)\) , \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_3)\) , and the two
additional edges \(de-bd, ab-ae\) . (See
Figure 6.)
Figure 6. The Graphs \(G_1, G_3\), \(H(G_1, G_3)\), and their Corresponding \(\mathsf{TS}_2\)-graphs. Here \(\mathsf{TS}_2(H(G_1, G_3)) \neq \mathsf{TS}_2(G_1) \cup \mathsf{TS}_2(G_3)\)
As the last example in this section, consider the graphs \(G_4\) and \(G_5\) as follows. \(G_4\) is the cycle with edges \(\{ae, eb, bc, cd, ad\}\) and \(G_5\) is the graph with edges \(\{ae, eb, bc, ag, eg, bg\}\) . \(G_4\) and \(G_5\) shares a common induced subgraph
\(H\) with \(V(H) = \{a, e, b, c\}\) and \(E(H) = \{ae, eb, bc\}\) . We have \(E(H(G_4, G_5)) = \{ae, eb, bc, cd, ad, ag, eg, bg,
dg\}\) . In this case, \(\mathsf{TS}_2(H(G_4, G_5))\) is the
(non-acyclic) graph with edges \(\{ab-ac,
ac-ce, ce-de, de-bd, ab-bd, ac-cg, ce-cg\}\) which is the union
of \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_4)\) and \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_5)\) . (See Figure 7.)
Figure 7. The Graphs \(G_4, G_5\), \(H(G_4, G_5)\) and their Corresponding (non-acyclic) \(\mathsf{TS}_2\)-graphs. Here \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G_4, G_5) = \mathsf{TS}_2(G_4) \cup \mathsf{TS}_2(G_5)\)
In the next proposition, we show how to compute the \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph of an \(H\) -join, generalizing the examples given
Proposition 4 . Let \(k
\ge 2\) and let \(G_1\) and
\(G_2\) be two \(H\) -consistent graphs. \(\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2))\) is the union of
\(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_1)\) , \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_2)\) and for every pair of
\(k\) -element independent sets \(S_1\) in \(G_1\) and \(S_2\) in \(G_2\) satisfying \[\label{star}
|S_1 \cap V(H) | =
|S_2 \cap V(H) | = |S_1 \cap S_2| = k-1,\tag{1}\] the edge
between \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) .
Proof. As remarked, the \(k\) -element independent sets of \(H(G_1,G_2)\) are the same as the union of
those of \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) . Therefore, \(V(\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2))) =
V(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_1)) \cup V(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_2))\) . Next,
consider an edge in \(E(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_1))\) (respectively,
\(E(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_2))\) ). It is a
token-slide between two independent sets \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) in \(G_1\) (respectively, \(G_2\) ). This remains as a token-slide in
\(H(G_1,G_2)\) . Therefore, \(E(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_1)) \cup E(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_2))
\subseteq E(\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2)))\) . Now, consider an edge
in \(E(\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2)))\)
between two independent sets \(S_1\)
and \(S_2\) . If both of these are
independent sets are in \(G_1\)
(respectively, \(G_2\) ) then the edge
is also present in \(E(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_1))\) (respectively,
\(E(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_2)\) )). Otherwise,
we may assume the edge in \(E(\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2)))\) has as
endpoints an independent set \(S_1\) in
\(G_1\) (but not \(G_2\) ) and an independent set \(S_2\) in \(G_2\) (but not \(G_1\) ). We have \(S_1 \cap S_2 \subset V(H)\) and since \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) are adjacent \(|S_1 \cap S_2| =k-1\) . It follows that
\(|S_1 \cap V(H)| = |S_2 \cap V(H)|
=k-1\) and so condition (1) is
satisfied. We have shown that each edge in \(E(\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2)))\) is either in
\(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_1)\) , \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_2)\) or satisfies condition
(1), proving the proposition. ◻
For two \(H\) -consistent graphs
\(G_1\) and \(G_2\) , we say that \(H(G_1,G_2)\) is \(k\) -crossing free if there are no
\(k\) -element independent sets
satisfying condition (1) of Proposition 4. For example,
one can verify that the graphs \(H(G_1,
G_2)\) in Figure 5 and \(H(G_4, G_5)\) in Figure 7 are
both \(k\) -crossing free, while the
graph \(H(G_1, G_3)\) in Figure 6 is not. The following result
will be used for constructing \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -trees/forests.
Corollary 5 . Let \(k
\ge 2\) and let \(G_1\) and
\(G_2\) be two \(H\) -consistent graphs. \(H(G_1,G_2)\) is \(k\) -crossing free if and only if \[\label{union}
\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2))= \mathsf{TS}_k(G_1) \cup
Proof. If \(H(G_1,G_2)\) is
\(k\) -crossing free then (2) follows from Proposition 4. Otherwise, there exist \(k\) -element independent sets \(S_1\) is in \(G_1\) and \(S_2\) is in \(G_2\) satisfying condition (1) of
Proposition 4. This implies that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2))\) contains an
additional edge between \(S_1\) and
\(S_2\) . ◻
Therefore, if \(H(G_1,G_2)\) is
\(k\) -crossing free and both \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_1)\) and \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_2)\) are acyclic, then so
is \(\mathsf{TS}_k(H(G_1,G_2))\) . The
reason for allowing \(H\) to be empty
in defining an \(H\) -join is that the
corollary then applies to vertex disjoint graphs \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) , since in this case \(H(G_1,G_2)\) is trivially \(k\) -crossing free. Therefore, we can create
new reconfiguration graphs that are forests from those that are trees
(or forests).
The following result follows from the relationship between \(H\) -join and \(H\) -decomposition discussed above.
Corollary 6 . If \(G\) can be \(H\) -decomposed into \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) and \(H(G_1,G_2)\) is \(k\) -crossing free then \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) can be decomposed into
\(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_1) \cup
\mathsf{TS}_k(G_2)\) .
4. Results on (Q2)
We currently have no general necessary and sufficient conditions for
when a forest \(F\) is a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph, but we present some
partial results in this section. Firstly, we recall that in [6 ] it is shown that \(P_n\) is a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph for all \(n \ge 1\) and \(k
\ge 2\) and \(K_{1,n}\) is a
\(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph if and only if
\(n \le k\) . In this section, we show
how to construct acyclic \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graphs from graphs that
have a single edge using the join operation that was introduced in
Section 3 . We show that it gives an alternate
method of constructing \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graphs which are paths and
stars. Moreover, this operation can also be applied to construct more
general \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -trees/forests, especially
members of the classes \(k\) -ary trees
and \(D_{r,n,s}\) .
4.1. Paths and Stars Revisited
Using just the base graphs and the \(H\) -join operation defined in Section 3 , we can obtain large families of \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -trees/forests. We begin
with paths. For any \(k \ge 2\) , let
\(J_k = \{b_1, \dots, b_k\}\) be an
independent set of size \(k\) and
define the base graph \(B_k^i = B_k(J_{k-2}
\cup \{a_i,a_{i+1},a_{i+2}\},a_ia_{i+2})\) and let \(G_2=B_k^i\) .
Proposition 5 . For \(i
\ge 2\) , \(G_{i}\) and \(B_k^i\) are \(H\) -consistent with \(H\) being the independent set \(J_{k-2} \cup \{a_i,a_{i+1}\}\) . Define
\(G_{i+1}:=H(G_{i},B_k^i)\) . Then \[\mathsf{TS}_k(G_{i+1}) = \mathsf{TS}_k(G_{i})
\cup \mathsf{TS}_k(B_k^i) \simeq P_{i+1} .\]
Proof. We will prove by induction, for \(i \ge 2\) , that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_i)\) is the path \(P_i\) with vertices labelled \(J_{k-2}\cup \{a_j,a_{j+1}\}, j=1,\dots,i\) .
For the base case \(i=2\) , we observe
that indeed \(\mathsf{TS}_k(B_k^i)\) is
a \(P_2\) with vertices labelled \(J_{k-2} \cup \{a_1,a_2\}\) and \(J_{k-2} \cup \{a_2,a_3\}\) .
For the inductive step we observe that, for \(i \ge 2\) , \(G_{i}\) and \(B_k^i\) are \(H\) -consistent with \(H\) the independent set \(J_{k-2} \cup \{a_i,a_{i+1}\}\) . To verify
that \(H(G_i, B^i_k)\) is \(k\) -crossing free, note that the only
independent set we need to consider in \(B_k^i\) is \(J_{k-2} \cup \{a_{i+1},a_{i+2}\}\) . In the
path \(P_i\) which is \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_{i})\) , the candidate
independent sets are \(J_{k-2}\cup
\{a_j,a_{j+1}\}, j=1,\dots,i\) . Their intersection with \(B_k^i\) is \(J_{k-2}\) which has cardinality \(k-2\) . Therefore, condition (1)
of Proposition 4 is not satisfied, which indeed confirms
that \(H(G_i, B^i_k)\) is \(k\) -crossing free. We define \(G_{i+1}:= H(G_{i},B_k^i)\) . By Corollary 5, \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_{i+1})\) is the union of
the above labelled \(P_i\) with a \(P_2\) with endpoints \(J_{k-2} \cup \{a_i,a_{i+1}\}\) and \(J_{k-2} \cup \{a_{i+1},a_{i+2}\}\) . This is
the required \(P_{i+1}\) . ◻
An easy inductive argument based on the \(H\) -join in the proposition shows that, for
\(i \ge 2\) , \(G_i\) is isomorphic to \(\overline P_{n+1} \cup J_{k-2}\) , a result
proved in Corollary 5(a) of [6 ]. (Observe that the vertex \(a_{i+1}\) in \(G_i\) is adjacent to every \(a_j\) for \(1
\leq j \leq i-1\) .)
Next we consider graphs \(G_i\) such
that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_i)\) is the star
\(K_{1,i}\) . For \(k \ge 2\) and \(1
\le i \le k\) , let \(I_k = \{a_1,
\dots, a_k\}\) be an independent set of size \(k\) , define the base graph \(C_k^i = B_k(I_k+b_i,a_ib_i )\) and let
\(G_1=C_k^1\) .
Proposition 6 . For \(k
\ge 2\) and \(1 \le i \le k\) ,
\(G_{i}\) and \(C_k^{i+1}\) are \(H\) -consistent with \(H\) being the independent set \(I_k\) . Define \(G_{i+1}:=H(G_{i},C_k^{i+1})\) . Then \[\mathsf{TS}_k(G_{i+1}) = \mathsf{TS}_k(G_{i})
\cup \mathsf{TS}_k(C_k^{i+1}) \simeq K_{1,i+1} .\]
Proof. We will prove by induction, for \(i \ge 1\) , that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_i)\) is the star \(K_{1,i}\) with centre labelled \(I_k\) and leaves labelled \(I_k+b_j-a_j, j=1, \dots,i\) . For the base
case \(i=1\) , we observe that indeed
\(\mathsf{TS}_k(C_k^i)\) is a \(K_{1,1}\) with centre labelled \(I_k\) and leaf labelled \(I_k +b_1-a_1\) .
For the inductive step we observe that, for \(i \ge 1\) , \(G_{i}\) and \(C_k^{i+1}\) are \(H\) -consistent with \(H\) the independent set \(I_k\) . To verify that \(H(G_i, C_k^{i+1})\) is \(k\) -crossing free, note that the only
independent set we need to consider in \(C_k^{i+1}\) is \(I_k + b_{i+1}-a_{i+1}\) . In the above
labelled \(K_{1,i}\) which is \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_{i})\) , the candidate
independent sets for condition (1) of
Proposition 4 are \(I_k +
b_{j}-a_j, j=1, \dots, i\) . Their intersection with \(I_k + b_{i+1}-a_{i+1}\) has cardinality
\(k-2\) . Therefore, condition (1)
is not satisfied. We define \(G_{i+1}:=
H(G_{i},C_k^{i+1})\) . By Corollary 5, \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G_{i+1})\) is the union of
the above labelled \(K_{1,i}\) and a
\(K_{1,1}\) with centre also labelled
\(I_k\) and leaf labelled \(I_k + b_{i+1}-a_{i+1}\) . This is the
required \(K_{1,i+1}\) . ◻
4.2. \(k\) -ary
In this section, we show that for each \(k
\ge 2\) , every \(k\) -ary tree is
a \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}\) -graph
(Proposition 7). Next, we show that any tree \(T\) is an induced subgraph of some
\(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -forest
(Proposition 8). Moreover, we state and prove
necessary and sufficient conditions for \(T\) to be an induced subgraph of some
\(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -tree
(Proposition 9). Additionally, when \(T = K_{1,n}\) , we describe a sufficient
condition for \(T\) to be an induced
subgraph of some \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -tree
(Proposition 10).
We begin by defining a canonical vertex labelling. In this
subsection, for any integer \(n\) ,
define \(I_n := \{a_1,\dots,a_n\}\) and
\(J_n := \{b_1,\dots,b_n\}\) .
Definition 3 . Let \(k
\ge 2\) and \(G\) be a graph for
which \(T:=\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G)\) is a
\(k\) -ary tree. We say that \(G\) and \(T\) are canonically labelled
(a) the root of \(T\) is
labelled \(I_{k+1}\) ,
(b) the \(d \le k\) children of
the root are labelled \(I_{k+1}-a_i+b_i,
i=1,\dots,d\) ,
(c) the labels \(b_j,~j=d+1,\dots,k\) (if any) are not used,
(d) all other nodes in \(T\)
receive a label \(S\) such that \(|I_{k+1} \cap S| \le k-1\) .
It is clear that labelling \(K_{1,d},~d \le
k\) according to (a) and (b) with root the centre of the star is
a canonical labelling. In this subsection, we will show that every \(k\) -ary tree has canonical labelling hence
proving it is a \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}\) -graph. First, we give a
lemma that shows how to combine canonically labelled \(k\) -ary trees to get a larger \(k\) -ary tree that is canonically
Lemma 2 . For integers \(k \ge 2\) and \(1
\le i \le d \le k\) , let \(G_i\)
be a graph for which \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G_i)\) a canonically
labelled \(k\) -ary tree. We can
construct a canonically labelled \(k\) -ary tree \(T\) isomorphic to the tree formed by
choosing a new root and adjoining it to the root of each \(T_i\) .
Proof. The proof consists of showing that we can make a
series of \(H\) -joins between the
leaves of a canonically labelled \(K_{1,d}\) and the roots of the canonically
labelled trees \(T_i, i=1,\dots,d\) ,
after a suitable relabelling. Suppose the root of \(T_i\) has \(n_i
\le k\) children. We relabel the vertices in the underlying
graphs as follows:
(i) relabel vertices of the \(G_i\)
not in \(I_{k+1} \cup J_k\) to be
distinct, ie, for \(1 \le i \le j \le
d\) , we have \(V(G_i) \cap V(G_j)
\subseteq I_{k+1} \cup J_k\) ,
(ii) for \(i=1,\ldots d,~j=1,
\dots,n_i\) set \(b_j \leftarrow
b_j^i\) , where the \(b_j^i\)
were previously unused, and
(iii) for \(i=1,\ldots d\) , set \(a_i \leftarrow a_{k+1}\) and \(a_{k+1} \leftarrow b_i\) .
By an abuse of notation, for simplicity we let for \(i=1,\ldots,d\) , \(G_i\) and \(T_i\) refer to the relabelled graphs and
trees. Item (i) ensures that the only labels shared between two trees
are in \(I_{k+1} \cup J_k\) , (ii)
ensures that all labels from \(J_k\) in
the \(T_i\) are given unique labels to
avoid clashes, and (iii) gives the root of \(T_i\) a correct label to be a child of a
new root labelled \(I_k\) . We note that
after relabelling \(b_i\) only appears
in \(T_i\) , \(a_i\) does not appear in \(T_i\) and the only labels shared between
the \(T_i\) are in \(I_k\) . Furthermore all tree vertices have
unique labels.
Next take a canonically labelled graph \(G^0\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G^0) \simeq K_{1,d}\) ,
with the centre of the star labelled \(I_{k+1}\) . For \(i=1,\ldots, d\) , we claim that the \(H\) -join \(G^i:=H(G^{i-1},G_i)\) is well-defined,
\(k\) -crossing free, and \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G^i)\) is canonically
labelled. To see this, note at that iteration \(i\) , \(V(G^{i-1})
\cap V(G_i) = I_{k+1}-a_i+b_i\) which is the label of the root of
\(T_i\) and a leaf of \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G^{i-1})\) . Definition 3(d)
implies that condition (1) of Proposition 4 is not
satisfied. Therefore by Corollary 5, \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G^i)\) is obtained from
\(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G^{i-1})\) by
appending \(T_i\) to the corresponding
leaf in \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G^{i-1})\) .
The conditions of Definition 3 are satisfied so \(\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G^i)\) is canonically
labelled. At the end of iteration \(d\) , \(T:=\mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G^d)\) is the required
tree. ◻
The construction described in the proof is illustrated in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Construction of \(D_{2,3,2}\) from two \(K_{1,2}\) s
We may now prove the main result of this section.
Proposition 7 . For every \(k\) -ary tree \(T\) , there is a canonically labelled graph
\(G\) such that \(T \simeq \mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G)\) .
Proof. Suppose that the root \(r\) of \(T\) has \(d \le
k\) children. We prove the proposition by induction on the height
\(t\) of \(T\) , which is the length of the longest
path to a leaf from the root. If \(t =
1\) then \(T \simeq K_{1,d}\)
and so has a canonically representation as described following
Definition 3. Otherwise, by deleting \(r\) we obtain \(d\) subtrees \(T_i, i=1,\ldots,d\) , which are also \(k\) -ary trees, with height less than \(t\) . Therefore, by induction each \(T_i\) can be represented by a canonically
labelled graph \(G_i\) . It follows from
Proposition 2 that we can perform \(d\) \(H\) -joins to obtain a canonically labelled
graph \(G\) for which \(T \simeq \mathsf{TS}_{k+1}(G)\) . ◻
As noted in Section 4 of [6 ], \(K_{1,{k+1}}\) is an example of a \(k\) -ary tree that is not an \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph so the proposition is
tight. Nevertheless, if we add a sufficient number of isolated vertices
to \(K_{1,t}\) , for \(t > k\) , it becomes a \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph—a result we will now
prove in general. We will need a special labelling of a tree that will
be defined next.
Definition 4 . A tree \(T\) is well-labelled if
(a) the root \(r\) of \(T\) is labelled \(ab\) ,
(b) the \(d\) children of \(r\) have roots labelled \(r_i=bc_i, i=1,\dots,d-1\) and \(r_d=ac_d\) ,
(c) the only labels containing \(a\) and \(b\) are \(ab,ac_d,bc_i,1 \le i \le d-1\) ,
(d) for \(i=1,\ldots,d\) label
\(c_i\) only occurs in the subtree with
root \(r_i\) .
We note that there is nothing special about the ordering of the
subtrees of \(r\) . The subtree rooted
at \(r_i\) can play the role of \(r_d\) by relabelling those two subtrees
with the exchanges \(a \leftrightarrow
b\) and \(c_i \leftrightarrow
c_d\) , which leaves \(T\)
well-labelled. As an example, for \(d \ge
1\) we can well-label \(K_{1,d}\) simply by using (a) and (b).
Consider the graph \(G\) defined by
\(V(G)=\{a,b\} \cup \{c_i:1 \le i \le
d\}\) and \(E(G)=\{ac_i,c_ic_d:1 \le i
\le d-1\} \cup \{bc_d\}\) . Furthermore let \(J=\{c_ic_j : 1 \le i < j \le d-1\}\) .
Then it is not hard to verify that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G) \simeq K_{1,d} +
(d-1)(d-2)K_1\) , where the \(K_{1,d}\) is well-labelled and the \(K_1\) are labelled by the set \(J\) . This motivates the following
Definition 5 . A tree \(T\) is well-labelled by a labelled
graph \(G\) if there is an integer
\(n\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G) \simeq T + n K_1\) and
\(T\) is well-labelled.
We now show the following general result.
Proposition 8 . For every tree \(T\) there is a graph \(G\) and integer \(n\) such that \(T\) is well-labelled by \(G\) and \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G) \simeq T +
nK_1\) .
Proof. The proof is by induction on \(N\) , the number of nodes in a given tree
\(T\) . As noted above, the proposition
is true for all stars \(K_{1,t}\) and
these act as base cases. For the inductive step, assume the proposition
is true for all trees on \(N\) nodes
and consider a tree \(T\) with \(N+1\) nodes. If \(T\) is a star we are done. Otherwise, let
\(r\) be the root of \(T\) and assume \(r\) has degree \(d\) with its children \(r_i\) being roots of subtrees \(T_i, 1, \dots, d\) . We may also assume that
\(T_d\) is a subtree of \(T\) with height at least one. We now
construct two trees from \(T\) . The
first, \(T^1\) consists of \(T\) with subtree \(T_d\) deleted and a pendant vertex added to
its root \(r\) . The second, \(T^2\) consists of \(T_d\) with a pendant vertex added to its
root \(r_d\) . By induction, there are
integers \(n_1,n_2\) and graphs \(G^1,G^2\) which well-label \(T^1\) and \(T^2\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^1) \simeq T^1 + n_1 K_1\)
and \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^2) \simeq T^2 + n_2
K_1\) . Apart from the vertex labels used in Definition 4, we
may assume the vertex labels in \(G^1\)
and \(G^2\) are different.
We will show that \(G^1\) and a
relabelled \(G^2\) can be \(H\) -joined and that this will identify the
pendant edges added to \(T^1\) and
\(T^2\) to give us back \(T\) . In \(T^1\) we note that root \(r\) is labelled \(ab\) , and by relabelling subtree roots if
necessary, that the added pendent vertex can be labelled \(ac_d\) . In \(T^2\) the root \(r_d\) is also labelled \(ab\) and we can again assume the added
pendant vertex is labelled \(ac_d\) . In
\(T^2\) we interchange the labels \(b \leftrightarrow c_d\) and set \(c_i \leftarrow c_i^{\prime}
,i=1,\ldots,d-1\) , for labels \(c_i^{\prime}\) that are unused in either
\(T^1\) or \(T^2\) . Let \(G^3\) and \(T^3\) denote the relabelled \(G^2\) and \(T^2\) . Setting \(H=\{a,b,c_d \}\) , we have \(V(G^1) \cap V(G^3)= H\) . \(H\) induces the same subgraph, containing
the single edge \(bc_d\) , in both \(G^1\) and \(G^3\) . \(G^1\) and \(G^3\) are \(H\) -consistent and since \(k=2\) and their vertex sets are otherwise
disjoint, condition (1) of Proposition 4 is not
satisfied. Let \(G^4=H(G^1,G^3)\) .
Applying Corollary 5 we have that \[\begin{aligned}
T^4 &:= \mathsf{TS}_2(G^4) \simeq \mathsf{TS}_2(G^1) \cup
\mathsf{TS}_2(G^3) \\
&\simeq \{ T^1 + n_1 K_1\}
\cup \{ T^3 + n_2 K_1\} \simeq T + (n_1+n_2) K_1.
\end{aligned}\] is well-labelled by \(G^4\) . This proves the proposition. ◻
The proof of the proposition is illustrated in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Illustrating Proposition 8
The proposition tells us that for every tree \(T\) there is a graph \(G\) for which \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) is forest containing
\(T\) as an induced subgraph.
Therefore, there can be no forbidden induced subgraph characterization
of which forests are \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graphs. However, this does
not imply that there can be no forbidden induced subgraph
characterization of which trees are \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graphs. Indeed, in the next
propositions, we present some of such characterizations.
Figure 10. Taking \(H\) -join of Two Copies of \(G^2\) , where \(H\) is the Path \(adcb\) , Results a Graph \(G^3\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^3)\) is Isomorphic to a
\(P_7\) with Two Pendant Vertices
Attached to the Midpoint of the Path
Proposition 9 . Let \(T\) be a tree. Then there exists a \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -tree containing \(T\) if and only if \(T\) is a \(3\) -ary tree.
In the proof of Proposition 8, we see
that isolated vertices are only added when the base case of a star
appears as a subproblem. Therefore, it suffices to consider only the
case \(T=K_{1,t}, 1 \le t \le 4\) . As
we have noted, neither \(K_{1,3}\) nor
\(K_{1,4}\) are \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graphs. It is not hard to
see that there is a \(G^1\) such that
\(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^1) \simeq K_{1,3} +
K_1\) . However, by adding an extra vertex to \(G^1\) , we can construct a graph \(G^2\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^2) \simeq D_{1,3,2}\) .
Furthermore, we can construct a graph \(G^3\) by applying \(H\) -join to two copies of \(G^2\) with slightly different
vertex-labellings such that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^3)\) is isomorphic to a
\(P_7\) with two pendant vertices
attached to the midpoint of the path. (See Figure 10.) Thus, if
follows that when \(T=K_{1,t}, 1 \le t \le
4\) , we can embed it as an induced subgraph of a tree \(T^\prime=\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) , for some graph
\(G\) (see Figure 10). Our proof
of the if direction is complete.
We show that if \(T\) is a \(k\) -ary tree but not a \(3\) -ary tree for \(k \geq 4\) then there does not exist any
\(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -tree \(T^\prime\) containing \(T\) (as an induced subgraph). (By
definition, any \(k\) -ary tree is also
a \(\ell\) -ary tree for \(\ell \geq k\) .) Let \(x\) be a vertex of \(T\) whose degree is at least five. (Since
\(T\) is a \(k\) -ary tree but not a \(3\) -ary tree, such a vertex \(x\) exists.)
Suppose to the contrary that \(T^\prime\) exists, i.e., there exists a
graph \(G^\prime\) such that \(T^\prime \simeq \mathsf{TS}_2(G^\prime)\)
contains \(T\) . Without loss of
generality, assume that \(x\) is
labelled by \(ab\) , where \(\{a, b\}\) is a size-\(2\) stable set of \(G^\prime\) . By the pigeonhole principle, we
may further assume that three neighbors \(x_1\) , \(x_2\) , and \(x_3\) of \(x\) are labelled \(ac\) , \(ad\) , and \(ae\) , respectively. Since \(T^\prime\) is a tree, it follows that \(cd\) , \(ce\) , and \(de\) are respectively the labels of \(y_1\) , \(y_2\) , and \(y_3\) where \(y_i\) is not adjacent to any of \(\bigcup_{j}\{x_j\} + x + \bigcup_{j \neq
i}\{y_j\}\) for \(1 \leq i, j \leq
3\) .
It follows that \(T^\prime\)
contains the labelled graph \(F \simeq K_{1,3}
+ 3K_1\) and therefore \(G^\prime\) must contain the labelled graph
\(G \simeq K_{1,3} + K_1\) , both
described in Figure 11 , as an induced
Since \(T^\prime \simeq
\mathsf{TS}_2(G^\prime)\) is a tree and \(G^\prime\) contains \(G\) , it follows that \(G^\prime\) has exactly one non-trivial
component \(C\) (having more than two
vertices) and \(C\) contains \(G\) , otherwise \(G^\prime\) must contain an induced \(2K_2\) and by Proposition 1 its \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph is not a tree, a
Figure 11. The Graphs F and G in the proof of Proposition 9.
Case 1: \(a \in
V(C)\) . By definition, the distance from \(a\) to any of \(b, c, d, e\) in \(G^\prime\) must be at least two. If there
is a path of length at least two between \(a\) and one of \(c, d, e\) not passing through \(b\) , the graph \(G^\prime\) contains a \(2K_2\) , a contradiction. Thus, any path
between \(a\) and one of \(c, d, e\) must go through \(b\) . Moreover, if there is a path of length
at least three between \(a\) and \(b\) not passing through any of \(c, d, e\) , again the graph \(G^\prime\) contains a \(2K_2\) , a contradiction. Since \(a \in V(C)\) , it follows that \(a\) and \(b\) must have a common neighbor in \(G^\prime\) , say \(f\) . Observe that for each \(y \in V(C) – \{a,b,c,d,e,f\}\) , \(y\) must be adjacent to \(b\) in \(G^\prime\) , otherwise \(G^\prime\) either contains \(2K_2\) or \(D_{2,2,2}\) and again by Proposition 1 its
\(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph is not a tree,
a contradiction. However, this implies that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(C)\) must be a forest and
since \(G^\prime\) has exactly one
non-trivial component \(C\) , we have
\(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^\prime)\) is also a
forest, a contradiction.
Case 2: \(a \notin
V(C)\) . In this case, there are two types of size-\(2\) stable sets of \(G^\prime\) : those containing \(a\) and those do not. Since \(G^\prime\) contains \(G\) , each type has at least one member.
Moreover, since \(a\) is isolated (the
only non-trivial component is \(C\) and
\(a\) is not in it), no member from one
type is adjacent to a member from another type in \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^\prime)\) , which means
\(\mathsf{TS}_2(G^\prime)\) is indeed
disconnected, a contradiction.
In the above cases, we proved that some contradiction must happen.
Our proof is complete.
Indeed, for \(K_{1,n}\) , in general
we have
Proposition 10 . There exists a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -tree \(T\) containing \(K_{1,n}\) if \(n
\leq 2k\) .
Proof. From either [6 ] or Proposition 6, the proposition
holds for \(n \leq k\) . (Indeed, in
this case, \(T = K_{1,n}\) .) Thus, it
suffices to consider \(k+1 \leq n \leq
2k\) . For each \(i \in \{1, \dots,
n-k\}\) , let \(A_i = \{1, \dots, k\} –
i\) .
Let \(I_k = \{a_1, \dots, a_k\}\)
and \(B_n = \{b_1, \dots, b_n\}\) . We
construct a graph \(G^0\) such that
\(\mathsf{TS}_k(G^0) \simeq K_{1,n} +
(n-k)(k-1)K_1\) . Let \(I_k = \{a_1,
\dots, a_k\}\) and \(B_n = \{b_1,
\dots, b_n\}\) . Let \(V(G) = I_k +
B_n\) . Vertices in \(B_n\) form
a graph \(K_n – M\) where \(M\) is the matching that contains \(b_ib_{k+i}\) for \(1 \leq i \leq n – k\) . Additionally, for
each \(i \in \{1, \dots, k\}\) , we add
an edge in \(G^0\) between \(a_i\) and both \(b_i\) and \(b_{k+i}\) . Observe that \(V(\mathsf{TS}_k(G^0))\) consists of \(I_k\) , the sets \(I_k – a_i + b_i\) (\(1 \leq i \leq k\) ), \(I_k – a_i + b_{k+i}\) (\(1 \leq i \leq n – k\) ), and \((I_k – a_i + b_i) – a_j + b_{k+i}\) (\(1 \leq i \leq n-k\) and \(j \in A_i\) ). Moreover, one can verify that
the independent sets \((I_k – a_i + b_i) – a_j
+ b_{k+i}\) are isolated in \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G^0)\) and the remaining
independent sets form a \(K_{1,n}\) in
which \(I_k\) is adjacent to every
other set. In short, \(G^0\) is indeed
our desired graph.
For each \(i \in \{1, \dots,
n-k\}\) , we construct a graph \(G^i\) whose \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph is a star \(K_{1,k-1}\) as follows. Let \(V(G^i) = (I_k – a_i + b_i) + \bigcup_{j \in \{1,
\dots, k\} – i}\{c^i_j\}\) . Vertices in \(\bigcup_{j \in A_i}\{c^i_j\}\) form a
clique in \(G^i\) of size \(k-1\) . We also add an edge in \(G^i\) between \(a_j\) and \(c^i_j\) for each \(j \in A_i\) . From either [6 ] or Proposition 6,
one can verify that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G^i)
\simeq K_{1,k-1}\) as desired. For each \(i \in \{1, \dots, n-k\}\) and \(j \in A_i\) , we construct a graph \(G^i_j\) whose \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph is a \(K_2\) as follows. Let \(V(G^i_j) = (I_k – a_i + b_i) – a_j + b_{k+i} +
c^i_j\) . The only edge in \(G^i_j\) is the one joining \(c^i_j\) and \(b_{k+i}\) . From either [6 ] or Proposition 5,
one can verify that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G^i_j)
\simeq K_2\) as desired.
Figure 12. Construction of a Graph \(G\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_4(G)\) is a Tree Containing
\(K_{1,8}\) . Vertices of \(G\) in the Yellow Box form a Clique Having
all Dashed Edges Removed. The Red Induced Subgraph of \(G\) forms a Graph \(G^0\) whose \(\mathsf{TS}_4(G^0) \simeq K_{1,8} +
Now, we construct a graph \(G\)
whose \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph is a tree
containing \(K_{1,n}\) as follows. For
convenience, we assume that for each \(i \in
\{1, \dots, n-k\}\) the set \(A_i =
\{1, \dots, k\} – i\) can be enumerated as \(\{j_1, \dots, j_{k-1}\}\) . We define \(\mathcal{K}^i_{j_0} = G^i\) and \(\mathcal{K}^i_{j_p} =
H_{j_p}(\mathcal{K}^i_{j_{p-1}}, G^i_{j_p})\) for \(j_p \in A_i\) where \(H_{j_p}\) is the stable set \((I_k – a_i + b_i) – a_{j_p} + c^i_{j_p}\)
for \(p \in \{1, \dots, k-1\}\) .
Observe that the graphs \(\mathcal{K}^i_{j_{p-1}}\) and \(G^i_{j_{p}}\) are \(H_{j_p}\) -consistent, which implies that
\(\mathcal{K}^i_{j_p}\) are
well-defined. Moreover, one can also directly verify that the sets \((I_k – a_i + b_i) – a_j + c^i_j\) and \((I_k – a_{i^\prime} + b_{i^\prime}) – a_{j^\prime}
+ c^{i^\prime}_{j^\prime}\) always differ in at least two
members, which means the condition (1) of
Proposition 4 is not satisfied. In short, for each
\(i \in \{1, \dots, n-k\}\) , we obtain
the graph \(\mathcal{K}^i_{j_{k-1}}\)
whose \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph is
isomorphic to the one obtained from \(K_{1,k-1}\) by replacing each edge with a
\(P_3\) . Next, we define \(\mathcal{K}^0 = G^0\) and \(\mathcal{K}^i = H^i(\mathcal{K}^{i-1},
G^{i})\) where \(i \in \{1, \dots,
n-k\}\) and \(H^i\) is the
subgraph induced by \((I_k – a_i + b_i) +
b_{k+i}\) . Observe that the graphs \(\mathcal{K}^i\) are well-defined because
\(\mathcal{K}^{i-1}\) and \(G^i\) are \(H^i\) -consistent. Moreover, we have \(I_k\) and each \((I_k – a_i + b_i) – a_j + c^i_j\) for \(1 \leq i \leq n-k\) and \(j \in A_i\) always differ in at least two
members. It follows that the condition (1) of
Proposition 4 is not satisfied. In short, we finally
obtain the graph \(G =
\mathcal{K}^{n-k}\) whose \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph is indeed a tree
containing \(K_{1,n}\) as
desired. ◻
Unfortunately, we have not been able to show whether the reverse
statement of Proposition 10
also holds. We conclude this section with the following open
Problem 1 . For every \(k\ge 3\) and tree \(T\) , is there a graph \(G\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) is a forest containing
\(T\) as an induced subgraph?
Problem 2 . For every \(k \ge 3\) and \((k+1)\) -ary tree \(T\) , is there a graph \(G\) such that \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) is a tree containing
\(T\) as an induced subgraph?
Problem 3 . Does there exist a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -tree \(T\) containing \(K_{1,n}\) for \(n
> 2k\) ?
4.3. \(D_{r,n,s}\)
We now consider graphs in the \(D_{r,n,s}\) family for whose \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graphs are trees and show
how they can be constructed by the \(H\) -join operation. We remark that when
\(n = 1\) , \(D_{r,n,s}\) is nothing but a star \(K_{1,r+s}\) and this case was considered
in [6 ] and revisited in
Proposition 6. Furthermore, it follows from
Proposition 7 that for \(n,k \ge 2\) and \(1 \leq r \leq s \le k-1\) , \(D_{r,n,s}\) is a \((k-1)\) -ary tree and so by Proposition 7 it is a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph. The reverse
statement does not hold in general: there exists a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph \(D_{r,n,s}\) even when \(s \geq k\) . For example, one of such
graphs, as already proved in [6 ], is \(D_{1,3,2}\) (\(r
= 1\) , \(s = k = 2\) , and \(n = 3\) ). (See also Figure 1.) Indeed, as
we will see in Proposition 1 , it is
the unique \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph
among all trees \(D_{1,n,2}\) for \(n \geq 1\) . Additionally, for the sake of
completeness, we will also show in Proposition 12 that the reverse
statement indeed holds when \(n =
2\) .
We are now characterizing which \(D_{1,n,2}\) -graphs are \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graphs and show that this
property is non-hereditary for this simple class of trees. We then
consider the \(D_{r,2,s}\) -graphs
characterizing those that are \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graphs.
Assume for some \(G\) , \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) is a forest containing a
\(K_{1,3}\) . There are four stable sets
in \(G\) corresponding to the vertices
of the \(K_{1,3}\) . There are two ways
of labelling the \(K_{1,3}\) but in
each case there are five vertices, say \(a,
\dots, e\) , of \(G\) involved.
Up to permutations of the labels, the corresponding stable sets in \(G\) are either \(\{ab,ac,bd,ae\}\) or \(\{ab,ac,ad,ae\}\) . Using these definitions
we have the following lemma.
Lemma 3 . Let \(H\) be the subgraph of \(G\) induced by \(a, b, \dots, e\) . The edges of \(H\) are
(a) \(ad,de,eb,bc,cd\) , if the
\(K_{1,3}\) is labelled \(\{ab,ac,bd,ae\}\) , or
(b) \(bc,bd,be\) if the \(K_{1,3}\) is labelled \(\{ab,ac,ad,ae\}\) .
Figure 13. If \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) is a Forest Containing a
\(K_{1,3}\) then \(G\) must Contain One of the Induced
Subgraphs \(H\)
(a) This labelling of \(K_{1,3}\)
immediately gives edges \(ad,bc,be\)
and non-edges \(ab,ac,ae,bd\) . That
leaves three edges of \(H\) to be
\(ce\) must be a non-edge else
there is an edge \(ae,ac\) in the \(K_{1,3}\) .
\(cd\) is an edge else there is
a cycle \(ab,bd,cd,ad\) in \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) , so it is not a
\(de\) is an edge else there is
a cycle \(de,bd,ab,ae\) in \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) .
Note that \(ce\) must also be a
vertex in \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) .
(b) This labelling of \(K_{1,3}\)
immediately gives edges \(bc,bd,be\)
and non-edges \(ab,ac,ad,ae\) . There
are no other edges in \(H\) as \(c,d,e\) form a stable set. This implies
that \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) must also
contain vertices \(cd,ce\) and \(de\) .
Using the lemma we show that precisely one of the \(D_{1,n,2}\) -graphs is a \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph, incidentally proving
the non-hereditary property mentioned above for this class of
Proposition 11 . \(D_{1,n,2}\) is a \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph if and only if \(n = 3\) .
Proof. We first consider \(1 \leq
n \leq 3\) and show that \(D_{1,3,2}\) is a \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph while \(D_{1,1,2} = K_{1,3}\) and \(D_{1,2,2}\) are not. (We note that the
results for the first two graphs have also been proved in [6 ].) According to Lemma 3, if \(D_{1,n,2}\) is a \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph of some graph \(G\) , the unique star \(K_{1,3}\) in \(D_{1,n,2}\) can be labelled in one of two
ways. However, we may immediately eliminate the possibility of the
labelling in Lemma 3(b). This is because, as pointed out in the
proof, there must be additional vertices in \(D_{1,n,2} = \mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) labelled
\(cd,ce\) and \(de\) which are non-adjacent since \(c,d,e\) form a stable set in \(G\) . This implies that \(n \ge 6\) . So we may assume that if \(D_{1,n,2}\) is a \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph, the \(K_{1,3}\) must be labelled as in Lemma 3(a) with
corresponding induced subgraph \(H\) of
\(D_{1,n,2}\) . From the proof of Lemma
3(a) there
must be an additional vertex \(ce\) in
\(D_{1,n,2}\) however this cannot be
adjacent to any of the other four vertices. This implies that \(n \ge 3\) and so neither \(D_{1,1,2}\) nor \(D_{1,2,2}\) can be \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graphs. However, we may
extend \(H\) to \(G\) by adding a vertex \(f\) adjacent to all vertices except \(e\) , as illustrated in Figure 1.
This introduces the new stable set \(ef\) which is adjacent to both \(ae\) and \(ce\) . Therefore, \(D_{1,3,2}\) is isomorphic to \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) . We note that \(G\) is the unique graph (up to label
permutations) for which this is true, due to the uniqueness of the
labelling of \(K_{1,3}\) .
It remains to consider \(n \geq 4\)
and show that \(D_{1,n,2}\) is not a
\(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph. Suppose to the
contrary that there exists a graph \(G\) such that \(D_{1,n,2} = \mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) . Again,
\(D_{1,n,2}\) must contain a copy of
\(K_{1,3}\) with exactly two ways of
labelling (up to label permutations) by size-\(2\) independent sets of \(G\) .
Case 1: \(K_{1,3}\) is
labelled \(\{ab, ac, bd,
ae\}\) . Since \(ac\)
and \(ae\) are not adjacent, \(ce\) must be a vertex of \(D_{1,n,2} = \mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) . We consider
the following cases:
Case 1.1: the distance between \(ce\) and any vertex of \(\{ac, bd, ae\}\) is at least
three. Since the roles of \(c\) and \(e\) are equal, we assume without loss of
generality that \(ce\) is adjacent to
some vertex \(cf\) . Observe that \(a\) and \(f\) are not adjacent in \(G\) , otherwise \(ac\) and \(cf\) are adjacent, which means the distance
between \(ac\) and \(ce\) is two, a contradiction. Since \(ce\) and \(cf\) are adjacent, so are \(ae\) and \(af\) . Moreover, \(bf\) must be a vertex, otherwise there is
an edge between \(ab\) and \(af\) in \(D_{1,n,2} = \mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) which
creates a \(C_3\) having \(\{ab, ae, af\}\) as its vertex-set, a
contradiction. Since \(ab\) and \(ac\) are adjacent, so are \(cf\) and \(bf\) . Now, \(df\) must be a vertex, otherwise \(bd\) and \(bf\) are adjacent which contradicts \(D_{1,n,2} = \mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) . Since \(ab\) and \(bd\) are adjacent, so are \(af\) and \(df\) . From the proof of Lemma 3(a)(ii) \(c\) and \(d\) are adjacent in \(G\) , so \(df\) and \(cf\) are adjacent, which again contradicts
\(D_{1,n,2} =
\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) .
Case 1.2: the distance between \(ce\) and one of \(\{ac, bd, ae\}\) is exactly two.
Observe that \(bd\) and \(ce\) has no common neighbor, otherwise that
neighbor must be labelled as one of \(\{bc,
be, dc, de\}\) : the first two can be ignored because \(ab\) and \(ac\) (resp., \(ab\) and \(ae\) ) are adjacent, the last two can be
ignored because \(ab\) and \(bd\) are adjacent. Again, since the roles
of \(c\) and \(e\) are equal, we assume without loss of
generality that \(ae\) and \(ce\) has a common neighbor \(ef\) . Since \(n
\geq 4\) , \(ce\) must have
another neighbor which is different from \(ef\) , which can be either \(cg\) or \(eg\) for some vertex \(g\) of \(G\) .
If it is \(cg\) then \(ag\) must be a vertex, otherwise \(cg\) and \(ac\) must be adjacent, which creates a
\(C_6\) whose vertex-set is \(\{ac, ab, ae, ef, ce, cg\}\) , a
contradiction. Since \(ce\) and \(cg\) are adjacent, so are \(ae\) and \(ag\) , which contradicts \(D_{1,n,2} = \mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) .
If it is \(eg\) then \(ag\) must be a vertex, otherwise \(eg\) and \(ae\) must be adjacent, which creates a
\(C_4\) whose vertex-set is \(\{ae, ef, ce, eg\}\) , a contradiction.
Since \(ce\) and \(eg\) are adjacent, so are \(ag\) and \(ac\) , which contradicts \(D_{1,n,2} = \mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) .
Case 2: \(K_{1,3}\) is
labelled \(\{ab, ac, ad,
ae\}\) . As before, \(cd\) , \(ce\) , and \(de\) must be vertices in \(D_{1,n,2}\) . Without loss of generality,
since the roles of \(c, d, e\) are
equal, we may assume that only \(ae\)
is adjacent to another vertex of \(D_{1,n,2}\) . As shown in the proof of Lemma
\(D_{1,n,2}\) must also contain
vertices \(cd,ce,de\) . Let \(P\) be the path between \(ae\) and \(cd\) . Since the roles of \(c\) and \(d\) are equal, we can assume without loss
of generality that \(cd\) is adjacent
to a vertex \(cf\) in \(P\) . Observe that if \(af\) is not a vertex \(ac\) and \(cf\) are adjacent contradicting the choice
of \(ae\) . So \(af\) is a vertex and since \(cd\) and \(cf\) are adjacent so are \(ad\) and \(af\) , which contradicts \(D_{1,n,2} = \mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) .
We remark that if we add a vertex \(g\) to \(G\) in Figure 1 joining it to
all vertices except \(d\) the
corresponding \(\mathsf{TS}_2\) -graph
is obtained by adding the edge between \(bd\) and \(dg\) to \(\mathsf{TS}_2(G)\) . Note that this tree is
not in the class \(D_{r,n,s}\) .
In the next proposition we consider two arbitrary stars whose centers
are connected by an edge.
Proposition 12 . \(D_{r,2,s}\) (\(1
\leq r \leq s\) ) is a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph if and only if \(s \leq k-1\) .
It follows directly from Proposition 7.
Suppose that \(D_{r,2,s}\)
(\(r \leq s\) ) is obtained from \(P_2 = p_1p_2\) by attaching \(r\) leaves \(u_1,
\dots, u_r\) at \(p_1\) and
\(s\) leaves \(v_1, \dots, v_s\) at \(p_2\) for some \(s \geq k\) . We show that this graph is not
a \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph for any fixed
\(k \geq 2\) . Suppose to the contrary
that there exists a graph \(G\) such
that \(D_{r,2,s} \simeq
\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) , i.e., there exists a bijective mapping \(f: V(D_{r,2,s}) \to V(\mathsf{TS}_k(G))\)
such that \(uv \in E(D_{r,2,s})\) if
and only if \(f(u)f(v) \in
E(\mathsf{TS}_k(G))\) . Without loss of generality, let \(f(p_2) = I = \{a_1, \dots, a_k\}\) , where
\(I\) is a size-\(k\) independent set of \(G\) . Since \(p_2\) has \(s +
1\) neighbors, from the pigeonhole principle, it follows that
there must be some \(i \in \{1, \dots,
k\}\) such that \(f(u) = I – a_i +
x\) and \(f(v) = I – a_i + y\) ,
where \(u, v \in N(p_2)\) . Observe that
\(J = (I – a_i – a_j) + x + y \notin \{f(p_2),
f(u), f(v)\}\) must be a size-\(k\) independent set of \(G\) , where \(j
\in \{1, \dots, k\} – i\) and therefore there exists \(z \in V(D_{r,2,s}) – \{p_2, u, v\}\) such
that \(f(z) = J\) . We consider the
following cases:
Neither \(u\) nor \(v\) is \(p_1\) . In this case, we must have
\(z \notin N(p_2)\) , otherwise it must
be adjacent to \(p_2\) , but then \(f(z) = J\) and \(f(p_2) = I\) must be adjacent in \(\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) , a contradiction. It
follows that \(z \in N(p_1) – p_2\) and
thus \(f(p_1)\) must be in \(\{I – a_i + x, I – a_i + y, I – a_j + x, I – a_j +
y\}\) . Since neither \(u\) nor
\(v\) is \(p_1\) , the first two can be ignored. Now,
if \(f(p_1) = I – a_j + x\) , the
vertices \(x\) and \(a_j\) must be adjacent in \(G\) , which contradicts the fact that \(f(u) \in \mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) . A similar
contradiction can be derived for the case \(f(p_1) = I – a_j + y\) . Thus, \(f(p_1)\) cannot be defined.
\(u\) is \(p_1\) . Again, \(z \notin N(p_2)\) . Thus, \(z \in N(p_1) – p_2\) , which implies that
\(y\) and \(a_j\) must be adjacent in \(G\) . This contradicts \(f(v) \in \mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) . Thus, \(f(z)\) cannot be defined.
In both cases, we showed that some contradiction must occur. Our
proof is complete.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we considered two token sliding problems for trees and
forests. The two questions studied seem remarkably complicated, even for
this simple class of graphs. For the first question, finding necessary
and sufficient conditions on \(G\) for
\(\mathsf{TS}_k(G)\) to be a forest, we
could only get a complete solution for \(k=2,3\) . For the second question, finding
necessary and sufficient conditions for a tree or forest to be a token
sliding graph, we could get more general results. Nevertheless, as noted
in Section 4 several interesting important questions
remain. We expect the join and decomposition operations introduced there
will be of use for similar questions for more general graphs. Finally,
we remark that all the acyclic \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graphs described in this
paper can be obtained by successive \(H\) -joins starting only with the simple
base graphs described in Section 3 . Is it true
that every acyclic \(\mathsf{TS}_k\) -graph can be obtained in
this way?
Avis’ research is partially supported by the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grants JP18H05291, JP20H00579, and
JP20H05965 (AFSA). The majority of this work was done when Duc A. Hoang
was affiliated with Kyoto University and supported by the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grant JP20H05964 (AFSA).
Part of this work was done when he was working at the Vietnam Institute
for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) and he would like to thank
VIASM for their support and hospitality.
Conflict of
The authors declare no conflict of interest