
An Alternate Form of Merino-Mǐcka-Mütze’s Solution to a Knuth’s Combinatorial Generation Problem

Italo J. Dejter1
1University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, PR 00936-8377


A modification of Merino-Mǐcka-Mütze’s solution to a combinatorial generation problem of Knuth is proposed in this survey. The resulting alternate form to such solution is compatible with a reinterpretation by the author of a proof of existence of Hamilton cycles in the middle-levels graphs. Such reinterpretation is given in terms of a dihedral quotient graph associated to each middle-levels graph. The vertices of such quotient graph represent Dyck words and their associated ordered trees. Those Dyck words are linearly ordered via a rooted tree that covers all their tight, or irreducible, forms, offering an universal reference point of view to express and integrate the periodic paths, or blocks, whose concatenation leads to Hamilton cycles resulting from the said solution.

Keywords: Combinatorial Generation, Middle-levels graphs, Hamilton cycles, Dyck words