The \(2\)-burning Number of a Graph

C.B. Jacobs1, M.E. Messinger2, A.N. Trenk1
1Wellesley College, MA, USA
2Mount Allison University, NB, Canada


We study a discrete-time model for the spread of information in a graph, motivated by the idea that people believe a story when they learn of it from two different origins. Similar to the burning number, in this problem, information spreads in rounds and a new source can appear in each round. For a graph \(G\), we are interested in \(b_2(G)\), the minimum number of rounds until the information has spread to all vertices of graph \(G\). We are also interested in finding \(t_2(G)\), the minimum number of sources necessary so that the information spreads to all vertices of \(G\) in \(b_2(G)\) rounds. In addition to general results, we find \(b_2(G)\) and \(t_2(G)\) for the classes of spiders and wheels and show that their behavior differs with respect to these two parameters. We also provide examples and prove upper bounds for these parameters for Cartesian products of graphs.

Keywords: Burning number, Graph burning, Discrete-time processes, Firefighter problem