On Covering Pairs by Quintuples: The Cases \(v \equiv 3\) or \(11\) modulo \(20\)

RC. Mullin1
1Department of Combinatorics and Optimization University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 Canada


Let \(C(v)\) denote the least number of quintuples of a \(v\)-set \(V\) with the property that every pair of distinct elements of \(V\) occurs in at least one quintuple. It is shown, for \(v \equiv 3 \text{ or } 11\; \text{modulo} \;20\) and \(v \geq 11\), that \(C(v) = \lceil(v-1)/{4}\rceil\) with the possible exception of \(v \in \{83, 131\}\).