On the Edge-Graceful \((n, kn)\) -Multigraphs Conjecture

Yong-Song Ho1, Sin-Min Lee2, Eric Seah3
1Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE
2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science San Jose State University San Jose, California 95192 U.S.A.
3Department of Actuarial and Management Sciences University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba RIT 2N2 CANADA


Lee conjectures that for any \(k > 1\), a \((n,nk)\)-multigraph decomposable into \(k\) Hamiltonian cycles is edge-graceful if \(n\) is odd. We investigate the edge-gracefulness of a special class of regular multigraphs and show that the conjecture is true for this class of multigraphs.