On Super-Simple \(2\)-\( (v,4,\lambda)\) Designs

H. -D.O.F. Gronau1, R. C. Mullin2
1E.-M.-Amdt-University Department of Mathematics and Computer Science F-L,-Jahn-Swr. 15 a Greifswald, 0-2200 Germany
2University of Waterloo Department of Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 Canada


It is proven that for all \(v \equiv 1 \mod 3\), \(v \geq 7\) there is a \(2-(v,4,2)\) design whose blocks have pairwise at most two elements in common. Moreover, for \(v \equiv 1, 4 \mod 12\) we have shown that these designs can be generated by two copies of \(2-(v,4,1)\) designs.