The Spectrum of Support Sizes of \(BIB\) Designs with \(v= 10\) and \(k=5\)

S. Ajoodani-Namini1, G. B. Khosrovshahi1, F. Vatan2, M. Widel2
1Center for Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (AEOI) and Department of Mathematics, University of Tehran Tehran, Iran
2Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Tlinois USA


The support of a \(t\)-design is the set of all distinct blocks of the design. The support size of a design is denoted by \(b^*\). In this paper, except for \(b^* = 23\), we completely determine the spectrum of support sizes of the case \(v = 10\), \(k = 5\), and \(t = 2\).