Balanced Ouchterlony Neighbour Designs and Quasi Rees Neighbour Designs

D. A. Preece1
1Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Commwallis Building The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF, U.K.


This paper concerns neighbour designs in which the elements of each block are arranged on the circumference of a circle. Most of the designs considered comprise a general class of balanced Ouchterlony neighbour designs, which include the balanced circuit designs of Rosa and Huang \([30]\), the neighbour designs of Rees \([29]\), and the more general neighbour designs of Hwang and Lin \([13]\). The class of Rees neighbour designs includes schemes given in 1892 by Lucas \([22]\) for round dances. Isomorphism, species, and adjugate set are defined for balanced Ouchterlony neighbour designs, and some seemingly new methods of constructing such designs are presented. A new class of quasi Rees neighbour designs is defined to cover a situation where Rees neighbour designs cannot exist but where a next best thing may be needed by experimental scientists. Even-handed quasi Rees neighbour designs and even-handed balanced Ouchterlony neighbour designs are defined too, the latter being closely related to serially balanced sequences. This paper does not provide a complete survey of known results, but aims to give the flavour of the subject and to indicate many openings for further research.