Divergence Condition for Pancyclicity

R.E.L. Aldred 1, D.A. Holton1, Dingjun Lou 2, Ronghua Shi 3
1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand
2Department of Computer Science Zhongshan University Guangzhou 510275 People’s Republic of China
3Department of Applied Mathematics East China Institute of Technology Nanjing 210014 People’s Republic of China


Let \(G\) be a connected graph and let \(u\) and \(v\) be two vertices of \(G\) such that \(d_G(u, v) = 2\). We define their divergence to be: \(\alpha^*(u, v) = \max_{w} \{ |S| \mid for each w \in N_G(u) \cap N_G(v), S is a maximum independent set in N_G(w) containing u \text{ and } v \}.\) It is proved that if for each pair of vertices \(u\) and \(v\) of \(G\) such that \(d_G(u, v) = 2\), \(|N_G(u) \cap N_G(v)| \geq \alpha^*(u, v)\) and if \(\nu(G) \geq 3\), then \(G\) is pancyclic unless \(G\) is \(K_{{\nu}/{2},{\nu}/{2}}\). Several previously known sufficient conditions for pancyclicity follow as corollaries.