On a Construction of Supermagic Graphs

Wai Chee Shiu1, Peter Che Bor Lam 1, Sin-Min Lee 2
1Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University Kowloon, Hong Kong.
2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, San José State University, San José, CA 95192, U.S.A.


Given two graphs \(G\) and \(H\), the composition of \(G\) with \(H\) is the graph with vertex set \(V(G) \times V(H)\) in which \((u_1, v_1)\) is adjacent to \((u_2, v_2)\) if and only if \(u_1u_2 \in E(G)\) or \(u_1 = u_2\) and \(v_1v_2 \in E(H)\). In this paper, we prove that the composition of a regular supermagic graph with a null graph is supermagic. With the help of this result, we show that the composition of a cycle with a null graph is always supermagic.