Some Designs of Small Orders and Their Codes

M. Emami1, G.B. Khosrovshahi2,3, Ch. Maysoori2
1Department of Mathematics, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, IRAN
2Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM) P.O.Box 19395-5746, Tehran, IRAN
3Department of Mathematics, University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN


The binary and ternary codes spanned by the rows of the point-by-block, pair-by-block, block-by-point incidence matrices of some 2-designs of small orders and their orthogonal complements are studied. Among some results, it is shown that if the code is properly chosen, then the weight distribution of the code serves as an appropriate design isomorphism invariant. The automorphism groups of the codes and the design are computed.