The Number of Irreducible Polynomials over GF(2) with Given Trace and Subtrace

K. Cattell1, C.R. Mierst2, F. Ruskey3, J. Sawada4, M. Serra5
1Hewlett-Packard Labs, Santa Rosa, California.
2Dept. of Mathematics, University of Victoria, Canada. Research supported in part by NSERC.
3Dept. of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada Research supported in part by NSERC.
4Dept. of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada research supported in part by NSERC
5Dept. of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada research supported in part by NSERC.


The trace of a degree \( n \) polynomial \( p(x) \) over \( \text{GF}(2) \) is the coefficient of \( x^{n-1} \), and the \emph{subtrace} is the coefficient of \( x^{n-2} \). We derive an explicit formula for the number of irreducible degree \( n \) polynomials over \( \text{GF}(2) \) that have a given trace and subtrace. The trace and subtrace of an element \( \beta \in \text{GF}(2^n) \) are defined to be the coefficients of \( x^{n-1} \) and \( x^{n-2} \), respectively, in the polynomial

\[q(x) = \prod_{i=0}^{n-1} (x + \beta^{2^i}).\]

We also derive an explicit formula for the number of elements of \( \text{GF}(2^n) \) of given trace and subtrace. Moreover, a new two-equation Möbius-type inversion formula is proved.