Hill, Landjev, Jones, Storme, and Barat proved in a previous article on caps in PG(5, 3) and PG(6,3) that every 53-cap in PG(5, 3) is contained in the 56-cap of Hill and that there exist complete 48-caps in PG(5,3). The first result was used to lower the upper bound on \( m_2(6,3) \) on the size of caps in PG(6, 3) from 164 to 154. Presently, the known upper bound on \( m_2(6, 3) \) is 148. In this article, using computer searches, we prove that every 49-cap in PG(5, 3) is contained in a 56-cap, and that every 48-cap, having a 20-hyperplane with at most 8-solids, is also contained in a 56-cap. Computer searches for caps in PG(6,3) which use the computer results of PG(5,3) then lower the upper bound on \( m_2(6,3) \) to \( m_2(6,3) \leq 136 \). So now we know that \( 112 \leq m_2(6,3) \leq 136 \).
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.