Small Bowtie Systems: an Enumeration

M.J. Grannell1, T.S. Griggs2, G. LoFaro2, A. Tripodi2
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA UNITED KINGDOM
2Dipartimento di Matematica Universita di Messina Contrado Papardo Salita Sperone 31 98166 Sant’ Agata Messina ITALIA


There exist \( 3 \) near bowtie systems of order \( 7 \), \( 12 \) bowtie systems of order \( 9 \), and \( 1{,}411{,}422 \) balanced bowtie systems of order \( 13 \).

Keywords: Bowtie system, Steiner triple system