The Search for the Smallest 3-E.C. Graphs

Przemyslaw Gordinowicz1, Pawel Pralat2
1Department of Mathematics, Technical University Of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
2Department Of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie Uni- Versity, Halifax, Ns, Canada


A graph \( G \) is \( 3 \)-existentially closed (\( 3 \)-e.c.) if each \( 3 \)-set of vertices can be extended in all of the possible eight ways. Results which improve the lower bound of the minimum order of a \( 3 \)-e.c. graph are reported. It has been shown that \( m_{ec}(3) \geq 24 \), where \( m_{ec}(3) \) is defined to be the minimum order of a \( 3 \)-e.c. graph.