\(k\)-Port Line Broadcasting in Trees

A, Averbuch1, R. Hollander Shabtait1, Y. Roditty2
1School of Computer Sciences Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
2School of Computer Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel and School


Broadcasting is the process of message transmission in a communication network. The communication network is modeled by a graph \( G = (V, E) \), where the set of vertices \( V \) represents the network members and the set of edges \( E \) represents the communication links between two given vertices. We assume that \( G \) is connected and undirected. One vertex, called the \emph{originator} of the graph, holds a message that has to be transmitted to all vertices of the network by placing a series of calls over the network.

A \textbf{k-port} line broadcasting in \( G \) is a model in which an informed vertex can call, at each time unit, at most \( k \) vertices and transmit a message through a path, as long as two transmissions do not use the same edge at the same time. In case \( k \) is not bounded, the model is called the all-port line model.

In this paper, we extend Cohen’s work \([6]\), which handles the all-port line model.