A Learning Algorithm for a Subclass of Tree Rewriting Systems

M. Jayasrirani1, D.G. Thomas2, Atulya K. Nagar3, T. Robinson
1‘Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Walajapet, India
2Madras Christian College, Chennai – 600 059, India
3Department of Computer Science, Liverpool Hope University United Kingdom


Tree replacement / rewriting systems are an interesting model of computation. They are used in theorem proving, algebraic simplification, and language theory. A fundamental property of tree replacement systems is the Church-Rosser property, which expresses the fact that interconvertability of two trees can be checked by mere simplification to a common tree. In this paper, we give a learning algorithm for a subclass of the class of Church-Rosser tree replacement systems.

Keywords: Tree manipulating system, Church-Rosser tree rewrit- ing systems, query learning.