On the Maximum Degree of \(3_{t}\)-Critical Graphs

Francesco Barioli1, Lucas van der Merwe1
1Department of Mathematics University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga, TN 37403 USA


We give general lower bounds and upper bounds on the maximum degree \(\Delta(G)\) of a \(3_t\)-critical graph \(G\) in terms of the order of \(G\). We also establish tighter sharp lower bounds on \(\Delta(G)\) in terms of the order of \(G\) for several families of \(3_t\)-critical graphs, such as crown-graphs, claw-free graphs, and graphs with independence number \(\alpha(G) = 2\).

Keywords: total domination, edge-critical, maximum degree, maximum or- der AMS subject classification: 05C99, 05C69