Some Identities Involving the Generalized Harmonic Numbers

Magaowa Wuyungaowa1
1Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia University Huhhot 010021, P. R. China


In this paper, we discuss the properties of a class of generalized harmonic numbers \( H_{n,r} \). Using Riordan arrays and generating functions, we establish some identities involving \( H_{n,r} \). Furthermore, we investigate certain sums related to harmonic polynomials \( H_n(z) \). In particular, using the Riordan array method, we explore interesting relationships between these polynomials, the generating Stirling polynomials, the Bernoulli polynomials, and the Cauchy polynomials. Finally, we obtain the asymptotic expansion of certain sums involving \( H_{n,r} \).

Keywords: Harmonic numbers; Riordan arrays; Harmonic polynomials; Generalized Stirling polynomials; Cauchy polynomials; Bernoulli polynomials