Double Shells with Two Pendant Edges at the Apex are \(k\)-graceful

J. Jeba Jesintha1, K. Ezhilarasi Hilda2
1PG Department of Mathematics, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India. 2Department of Mathematics, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai, India.PG Department of Mathematics, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India. 2Department of Mathematics, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai, India.
2PG Department of Mathematics, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India. 2Department of Mathematics, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai, India.


A double shell is defined to be two edge-disjoint shells with a common apex. In this paper, we prove that double shells (where the shell orders are \(m\) and \(2m+1\)) with exactly two pendant edges at the apex are \(k\)-graceful when \(k=2\). We extend this result to double shells of any order \(m\) and \(\ell\) (where \(m \geq 3\) and \(\ell \geq 3\)) with exactly two pendant edges at the apex.