A set \( S \) of vertices of a graph \( G(V,E) \) is a \emph{dominating set} if every vertex of \( V \setminus S \) is adjacent to some vertex in \( S \). A dominating set is said to be \emph{efficient} if every vertex of \( V \setminus S \) is dominated by exactly one vertex of \( S \). A paired-dominating set is a dominating set whose induced subgraph contains at least one perfect matching. A set \( S \) of vertices in \( G \) is a total dominating set of \( G \) if every vertex of \( V \) is adjacent to some vertex in \( S \). In this paper, we construct a minimum paired dominating set and a minimum total dominating set for the infinite diamond lattice. The total domatic number of \( G \) is the size of a maximum cardinality partition of \( V \) into total dominating sets. We also demonstrate that the total domatic number of the infinite diamond lattice is 4.
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.