A primitive hypergraph is a hypergraph with maximum cardinality three and maximum degree three such that every \(3\)-edge is adjacent only to \(2\)-edges and is incident only to vertices of degree two. Deciding the bicolorability of a primitive hypergraph is NP-complete (a straightforward consequence of results in [14]). We provide sufficient conditions, similar to the Sterboul conditions proved by Défossez [5], for the existence of a bicoloring of a primitive hypergraph, and we provide a polynomial algorithm for bicoloring a primitive hypergraph if those conditions hold. We then draw a connection between this algorithm and the well-known necessary and sufficient conditions given by Berge [1] for maximal matchings in graphs, which leads to a characterization of bicolorability of primitive hypergraphs.
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.